Chapter 823
Without even thinking about it, Yun Hao pulled An Zixuan and hid him behind him.

The sudden movement made Rong Gaoge stunned for a moment, and then he smiled sinisterly: "Why? I'm afraid I won't succeed if I eat her?"

To be so wary of him.

What does it mean?
Yun Hao stared at Rong Gaoge expressionlessly, his indifferent eyes swept across, this glance made Rong Gaoge feel an inexplicable humiliation in his heart.

Is Yun Hao looking at a person?

Why did this look make him so unhappy?
Yun Hao's cold and indifferent word gave Rong Gaoge a perfect answer: "Dirty."

"Who are you scolding?" Rong Gaoge asked with a gloomy expression.

Anyway, he is also the elder of the Pharmacist Association, how dare this kid Yun Hao?
Yun Hao told Rong Gaoge with practical actions that he not only dared, but also quite dared.

"You." The answer was as concise as ever, and as always... heart-pounding.

"You..." Just as Rong Gaoge was about to reprimand him furiously, he heard the president of the Pharmacist Association say in a deep voice, "Okay, don't make trouble anymore. Think about what to do with the situation outside!"

Now who is in the mood to listen to any verbal disputes, the biggest problem now is the crazy warriors and monsters who are constantly fighting in the manor.

"The two sides are not evenly matched. In the end, we still have a lot to face." The dean of the Battle Teacher Academy said in a deep voice.

The current situation is not optimistic.

"Hurry up and recharge your batteries, wait until the outside calms down..." The president of the Elementalists Association said this, but didn't say anything after that.

Everyone understands the situation they are facing.

When the outside calms down, one side has won, and they will be the next target of those crazy guys outside.

"Fortunately, this side courtyard is still solid, and it can be blocked for a while." A guard let out a long breath, and could rest for a while.

"I hope they consume more..."

The guards began to discuss in a low voice, and the others were also talking about their own affairs.

Rong Gaoge's gaze shifted from this person to that person... just looking back and forth, but no matter how he looked, whether he saw ordinary guards or those presidents... the result was the same. identical!

No one noticed him!


Do they have him in their eyes?
Where does this put him?

The more I thought about it, the more the anger in my heart kept churning, like that suppressed volcano, the tumbling magma kept tumbling, and it only waited for the critical point to erupt immediately.

Rong Gaoge, who was angry, didn't notice that there was actually a person who was still paying attention to him.

That person is Yun Hao.

Yun Hao just looked at Rong Gaoge indifferently, watching his facial features slowly distort, and his angry emotions took over, making him distort into a ghost.

The blood in the eyes was getting redder and redder, as if blood was about to flow out.

Suddenly, there was an angry and high-pitched roar from the Warcraft outside, as well as the crazed warrior's shout that no longer belonged to humans.

The sound of fighting stopped suddenly, and the sound of footsteps came one after another.

What's the situation?
The people in the courtyard immediately became alert, and those who were sitting and resting on the ground just now jumped up immediately.

"Tell me, will the monsters and warriors outside reconcile and come to deal with us together?" Xing Chen said jokingly.

Then, he found that all eyes were on him.

This gaze is really too weird, like a glow on the back.

(End of this chapter)

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