Chapter 1375

How can you sleep after eating so much?

She's been losing weight recently, okay? Lose weight!

Ning Zhiqian was indignant, thinking that she would never talk to him again!
Thinking of this, she couldn't help but took out her phone and sent a message.

[Don't see Baozi in this life! 】

Someone will reply right away——

Xu Weiwei: [Woman, don't be stubborn, you were bought by Mr. Lu's steamed stuffed bun! 】

Beitang Fengjin: 【Go for a walk outside. 】

Sikong Fengjue: [Girl, I will take that bastard in for you tomorrow, how dare you abuse my baby and give her buns! 】


Ning Zhiqian looked at it and smiled.

Just smiling like this makes me sad.

Stomach suddenly hurts.

She covered her belly and bit her lower lip tightly.

And at this time, Lu Yanshen just came in from the outside: "Honey, that bun..."

"Honey, what's the matter? Where does it hurt?"

When he saw the woman on the bed, he panicked.

Ning Zhiqian pushed him away: "It's all your fault, it's your bun!"

"Okay, blame me, blame me!"

Lu Yan was so anxious that he put his hand on her stomach and trembled slightly.

"Come on, call the doctor!"


Ning Zhiqian stared at him, but she didn't have the strength to move!

Ning Zhiqian's face flushed, and Lu Yanshen's expression was also confused.

"Don't be angry, ah, I didn't mean to..."

He was at a loss, and finally waited until the doctor came, his expression was always nervous.

However, after the doctor finished reading, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Master, Madam just ate too much and didn't digest, so she has a stomachache. Just prescribe some medicine for digestion."

Ning Zhiqian: "..."

No face, well, no face at all now!

She covered her head with the quilt, and couldn't help complaining in her heart that Lu Yanshen was the culprit!

It's all his fault, why don't you just buy some steamed stuffed buns here!
After the doctor left, Lu Yanshen was also stunned for a long time.


He reacted and coughed lightly.

"Go away, there is no wife here."

Ning Zhiqian gritted her teeth: "Your wife is offline!"

Lu Yanshen came over with a glass of water and helped her up: "Hey, drink some water, it helps digestion..."

Ning Zhiqian was so aggrieved, she was so ashamed!

Lu Yanshen also looked helpless. He never thought that buying steamed stuffed buns with good intentions would cause such consequences.

"Honey, I'm sorry."

His hand was still rubbing gently on her stomach.

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

Ning Zhiqian had no choice but to get up and was led out the door by him.

Outside, the moonlight is beautiful.

Lu Yanshen supported her carefully, as if she was pregnant, and the corners of Ning Zhiqian's mouth twitched.

This man is really...


Lu Yanshen spoke suddenly, with an extremely gentle voice.

"Forgive me, okay?"

Like a child who did something wrong, he begged Ning Zhiqian for forgiveness.

"Your brother insisted on this, because I was afraid that you would tell Wei Ya, so I..."

Ning Zhiqian said nothing, Lu Yanshen looked a little depressed.

"Are you ready to ignore me for the rest of your life?"

"Don't you just... miss me?"

The man's eyes were burning, and Ning Zhiqian's heart started beating violently.

(End of this chapter)

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