Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 1009 Attacking the Poisonous Owner

Chapter 1009 Attacking the Poisonous Owner

That night, many palace people came, row after row of people knelt in front of Feng Yan, who was sitting at the door at that time, staring at the night in a daze.

After Ma Yuan finished reading an imperial decree, she said respectfully, "Eldest Prince, this servant has come here specially to take His Royal Highness back to the palace."

"Oh." Feng Yan stood up, reacting coldly, when passing by Ma Yuan, he said: "Take the willow tree in the yard back together."

"Yes." Although Ma Yuan didn't know why he made such a request, this commanding temperament was very similar to His Majesty's.

The palace is so big that it takes a lot of time to walk from here to Yihe Palace. Ma Yuan also specially prepared a carriage, and there are not many people who can use it in the palace.

Fengyan stepped onto the carriage, facing such a mighty force, he didn't panic at all, he whispered: "Qingfeng, are you there?"

"I'm here." Sitting next to him, Feng Guang replied, and she found it interesting to remove the willow tree.

There was dissatisfaction on Feng Yan's face, "I don't like the name he chose."

" sounds pretty good."

He spat out two words, "Hard to hear."

"He is the emperor after all, you can't resist his will now, don't let other people hear this, understand?"

He gave a perfunctory "hmm".

This kid used to lose his temper too, so Guangfeng patted him on the head with a smile, "Although I think Fengyan sounds better, Xianmo is also good, Ah Mo, Ah Mo, listen, doesn't it sound good? "

"Okay, call me Ah Mo after the scenery." The haze on his face was swept away.

From today onwards, he is the First Prince Xianmo.

After about a quarter of an hour, the Yihe Palace finally arrived. The palace was resplendent and magnificent, and there were hundreds of eunuchs and maids, which showed that Xian Rang attached great importance to this prince.

Looking at Xian Mo, who was dressed in exquisite Chinese clothes, the scenery felt a sense of relief that my son is living a good life.

Even if Feng Feng is thinking about taking good care of Xianmo's body these days, after all, it can't be done in a day or two. Xianmo's body is still very thin, and much thinner than his peers. The heavy brocade clothes on his body, against the background of his already handsome face, will only make people angry and feel distressed.

Feng Feng squatted in front of him, quietly looking at this child who was only 12 years old, feeling uncomfortable.

"Qingjing, are you still there?" After not hearing her voice for a long time, Xianmo made an uncertain voice in this empty bedroom.

She quickly replied: "I am."

These days, as long as she is in a daze for a long time and doesn't make a sound, the child will always ask if she is still there. If she doesn't answer, he will always stand where he is, and the black eyes that finally regained their anger will come back again. Slowly becoming silent, allowing himself to be swallowed up by a dead silence.


He stretched out his hand, Guangfeng grabbed his small palm with two hands, it was very rough, even cracked, she said softly: "I held Xiaofengyan's hand, do you feel it? ?”

"Hmm..." Xian Mo nodded, with a rare joy in his eyes.

Her heart softened all of a sudden, "Little Ah Mo wants to grow up well, to be fatter and taller, and it's best to be white and fat, and grow up healthy and healthy."

"Scenery grew up with me."

Feng Feng smiled, "Okay, I will grow up with you."

She thought that she would protect the child well until the system master finished repairing the loopholes and before she was sent away.

(End of this chapter)

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