Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 1676 Attacking the Dark Wizard

Chapter 1676 Attacking the Dark Wizard
On this continent, the people in the Holy See are actually monks. They are not allowed to have feelings for men and women. Naturally, they can't marry others, like a person who takes on the priesthood, then he has to dedicate himself to God, this is also something that is taken for granted in the hearts of the masses.

It is because of this of course that now makes the scenery very anxious. At first, it was fine that she and Herman didn't pierce the window paper, but once the window paper was pierced, she couldn't help thinking more, and she would also think about it. more long-term.

However, Fengjing's worry was about to be noticed by others, but Herman was very leisurely, as if he never felt worried.

"Your Highness." Eve walked over, holding a bowl of medicine in her hand. Eve just knew that the princess was ill, so she asked the bishop to prescribe the medicine, although Eve looked very beautiful and did not seem to be sick. However, she would not doubt the bishop's diagnosis.

Scenery who was sitting in a daze in the flower garden heard Eve's voice, and then came back to her senses. She took the medicine bowl that Eve handed over and drank it all in one gulp. Of course, this medicine is not for treating her physical discomfort. According to Herman, the decision to have her yesterday was a temporary idea, so he didn't prepare anything, what should he prepare?

Naturally, it is a contraceptive thing, and because of this, Fengguang can only drink contraceptive pills to prevent her from conceiving his child. Herman has not been dazzled by the "double mixed sports", and Fengguang is still young. Small, it is not suitable to have a child so early, not to mention, his identity problem has not yet been resolved.

After Feng Feng finished drinking the medicine, Eve thoughtfully handed over another apple. She bit the apple to get rid of the medicine smell in her mouth, and when the smell was gone, she said, "Thank you, Eve."

"This is what my subordinates should do." Eve handed the empty medicine bowl to the maid beside her.

Fengjing didn't understand what Herman did to Eve and the others at that time. In short, Eve and the others seemed to have forgotten the matter that Jingjing disappeared out of thin air for a while. Eve, do you remember what happened that day.

People in love can easily feel the pain of lovesickness, just like scenery, she and Herman haven't seen each other for only one night, and she starts to miss him.

Feng Feng stood up biting the apple, "Eve, let's go to the Holy See."

"Your Highness, the sun is very bright now." Eve dutifully reminded, she knows the scenery, this Princess is lazy, especially when the sun is out, Her Royal Highness is determined not to go out.

Feng Guang said solemnly: "In order to ask for a good marriage for Eve, we have to go no matter how hot it is."

"Your Highness, I don't need to get married."

"Eve, don't be kidding, you are so beautiful, how can you not get married?"

"Your Highness, I don't like men."

The scenery paused for a moment, then took a step back in horror, and stammered and asked: "Could it be that you like women?"

"I don't like women either." Eve didn't seem to be lying.

Feng Jing asked again: "Then what do you like?"

"I only like swords." Eve lifted the sword hanging from her waist.

Feng Jing was silent for a while, "Eve, why don't we go to the Holy See and ask the goddess to give you the best sword."

(End of this chapter)

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