Chapter 486 Raiders

The sound of dripping water made the sound even more gloomy in the dark environment. In the darkened sewer, apart from the pungent smell, there was more of a chilly atmosphere.

Jingjing woke up in a daze, and wanted to rub her neck that was still aching. Soon, she found that her hands were tied with a rope. The tie was not tight, but the knot prevented her from breaking free. possible.

Cecil was sitting next to her. He opened his hand, and a small glowing robot flapped its wings and flew into the air, illuminating the surrounding area. He held the beautiful hand very gracefully, and then stamped on the back of her hand. Last kiss, "Please forgive me for my ungentlemanly behavior. It is my fault that I let such a beautiful lady wake up in this form."

Now that you know it's your fault, why don't you let me go!
Gritting her teeth, Fengfeng swallowed her anger, retracted her hand, and asked straight to the point: "What are you trying to do by arresting me?"

"Naturally to get out of here."

"Then what's the use of catching me? I can't fly you out of here."

"You are the person next to Xu Wang." Cecil smiled charmingly, "And you are a female OMEGA."

It is enough to say that she is a woman, why do you have to bring back an OMEGA?

"Honestly, I'm surprised." Cecil lowered his head, sniffing her scent on her neck, "Xu Wang didn't mark such a charming young lady."

The scenery had goosebumps all over her body, she tried her best to shrink her body back, and the last one was unbalanced and fell to the ground. Hearing the sound of the back of the head hitting the ground, it must have been extremely painful.

Seeing her wrinkled face in pain, Cecil gritted his teeth and refused to make a sound. He helped her up from the ground sympathetically, and then said coolly: "Fortunately, the one who fell was From the back, it’s the front that’s going to fall, so I’m afraid it will be flatter.”

It took a while for the scenery to realize the meaning of his words, she gritted her teeth, "What's wrong with my small breasts! I haven't eaten your rice!"

"I said it would be bad if you hit your nose. What did Miss think I was talking about?" Cecil smiled charmingly, and his confused eyes were perfectly played by him.

Feng Feng's face turned red and then blue, then turned pale and then turned expressionless, too lazy to talk to him.

People ignored him, but Cecil became even more interested. He asked like a curious doll: "Why didn't Xu Wang mark you? He doesn't look like someone who would give up such a delicious snack."

She turned her head and ignored him.

But even though no one answered, Cecil was still very interested, "Could it be that he can't do it? Tsk tsk, he likes to beat me with a whip every time, I thought he was a guy who loves S=M, so it turns out It’s because he can’t do it, that’s why he’s jealous of my physical strength.”

Hearing the topic getting more and more strange, Feng Jing finally couldn't help asking, "How did you escape from the cell?"

Could it be that he really dug a secret passage with a spoon?
Cecil's lips curled into an intriguing smile, "Today is July 21."

"so what?"

"So this morning is the time for me to escape from prison, but I failed, so this afternoon is the time for Ye Mo to escape from prison." Although he can't escape from prison, Cecil's words are obviously a bit strange, but he doesn't think it is strange , he raised his eyebrows frivolously, "Originally, I should be staying in the cell now, but... in order to meet the lovely and charming young lady, I ran out while taking advantage of the confusion."

"...Is this prison so easy to escape?" Why did she see two people escape from prison every day?There is also Xiao Xiao who can move around at will!

(End of this chapter)

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