Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 794 Raiders of the downcast His Royal Highness

Chapter 794 Raiders of the downcast His Royal Highness

The scenery is not good, so I have to walk through the house with him seriously, and I want to touch something when I see it, thinking about whether I can trigger some mechanism, so that the door of the secret room can be opened, but the fact makes them disappointed However, no matter how careful they were, they still couldn't find any secret room.

She began to doubt herself, "Could it be that I feel wrong? In fact, the space in this house is not small?"

"Impossible." Shuqiu said: "At first I didn't pay attention to the size of the space, but after what you said, I also think there is something wrong with this room. It is impossible for the two of us to feel wrong at the same time. It must be There's something we haven't found yet."

"Where else is there? We have searched everywhere except digging three feet."

"That's right, dig three feet into the ground!" Shuqiu clapped his hands, suddenly realizing.

"Are you really... going to dig up the floor here?"

"That's not the case." Shuqiu smiled and looked at the ground again, "Let's just take a look."

Speaking of this, he really started to walk casually, Feng Jing followed behind him, and suddenly he had a feeling that maybe this man could really find something.

Shuqiu suddenly stopped at the corner of the wall. He pondered for a while, then squatted down again, "Do you feel... something is wrong here?"

"What's wrong?" Feng Jing also squatted beside him. After seeing clearly, she pointed out, "The other floor gaps are filled with dust, but this is the only one that is clean."

"That is to say... this floor has been moved." Just after finishing speaking, Shuqiu tentatively stretched out his hand to lift the floor, and the floor was easily lifted without much effort.

At the same time, a passage appeared beside the wall, and the scenery leaning against the wall was caught off guard and fell straight down.

"Hey! Miss Xia!" Shuqiu subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab her, but he only caught a corner of her clothes. Soon, her small figure disappeared into the dark passage for a long time There was a sound of landing.

Shuqiu shouted anxiously, "Miss Xia! Are you okay!?"

The entrance to the secret room was right under her feet, which was something no one expected.

Fengjing didn't know what she fell on. She didn't fall very painful, but the dark environment and stench inside made her unbearable. She stood up and shouted at the faint light coming from above. Said: "Get me up quickly!"

"Hey, wait a minute." Shuqiu lit up a torch, only to realize that there is actually a road sloping down in this passage, and he was about to go down, when his eyes blurred, and he could only see a white-clothed figure It passed by in a flash, like his illusion.

Shuqiu clicked his tongue twice, and he knew that it was impossible for this man to let Xia Fengguang have an accident, but before he had time to lament that I didn't expect it, he thought again, the little girl Xia Fengguang would fall down. Shuqiu didn't dare to think too much about what he had done, so he ran away in a hurry.

Anyway, that man is here, and the little girl will be fine.


Scenery, who was still groping in the dark, heard a low voice. Before she could react, she felt a dull pain in her neck, and her softened body was hugged by the man. Before she lost consciousness, she only felt the man's body. The taste is really familiar.

Shu Feng hugged the little girl who fell into a coma, his eyes dimmed, he was thankful that the scenery was not seen, otherwise... there would be many bad memories in her mind.

Under his feet were all corpses, all half-rotted, exuding an unpleasant stench, and there were five corpses in total.

All children from eight to eleven or twelve years old.

(End of this chapter)

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