Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 848 Strategy... I heard that cucumbers and eunuchs are more suitable!

Chapter 848 Strategy... I heard that cucumbers and eunuchs are more suitable!
Hearing the scenery call the man's Cuizhuxuan a kennel, Feiyu rolled her eyes and fainted from fright. Luckily, Liu Qi standing beside her supported her, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground .

Naturally, Feng Jing also saw the scene of Fei Yu fainting, and she said pitifully: "Look, my maid has passed out from heatstroke, I'm going to send her to see the imperial doctor, you just let this dog go quickly."

He gave a pleasant chuckle, raised his hand, and said calmly: "Commander Liu, since the princess is so concerned about her maid, please do me a favor and send this maid to the imperial hospital."

"Yes, my lord..." Liu Qi left with Feiyu with a complicated look on his face.

The man curled his lips into a smile, "Crown Princess, you don't have to worry about your maid now, you might as well take a breath of fresh air and take a look at the distant scenery."

Feng Feng understood what it meant to shoot herself in the foot. She squatted bitterly on the palace wall, and suddenly realized another thing, "That Liu Qi called you an adult?"


"What's your last name?"

He laughed, "My surname is Song."

She stuttered, "Song, Song Wuxia?"

"I am Song Wuxia." He nodded slightly, showing the elegance of a handsome young man.

Feng Feng couldn't say a word, she felt that her three views had been impacted, didn't she say that Song Wuxia was a eunuch?Why is he not like a eunuch at all, but a gentle and elegant young man?And he's not a mother, and he doesn't know how to choke his throat... Is he really a eunuch?
Feng Jing fell into deep doubts, but he didn't know that everyone who saw Song Wuxia for the first time would fall into this entanglement.

"It seems that my identity has surprised the princess." Song Wuxia said lightly. From her silence alone, he could guess what she was thinking. It wasn't that he had the ability to read minds, but Her thoughts are shown on her face, which can be seen through at a glance.

"Song..." She coughed, swallowed the word "father-in-law" that was about to blurt out, and changed her words: "Master Song... the sunshine today is really good."

Song Wuxia looked up at the scorching sun, and said with a smile, "Yes, the sun is very good today."

"I heard that the lotus flowers in Beauty Lake are blooming well recently, why don't we go swimming in the lake together?" She looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, as if she was talking about what we should eat tomorrow.

Everyone who had been very quiet all looked at the scenery with a "swish", they were not sure, is this princess stupid?
Song Wuxia rubbed his chin, "Why did the Crown Princess invite you to the downstream lake?"

"Because seeing Mr. Song reminded me of a sentence."

"Oh?" He asked in a teasing tone: "Could it be that it comes out of the mud without being stained, and without being demonized after being cleansed?"

"It's like going to Xunfeng in April and May, and it can also cover the waist of a beautiful woman."

Song Wuxia's sarcasm hid in her smiling eyes. She never expected that she did not lament the so-called fact that he is not like a eunuch like others, but said directly that he is a beauty, and Song Wuxia has always been the same. I think I am beautiful, but now I hear it from her mouth, it has a different taste.

So he smiled insincerely: "The princess is very talented."

"This is so-so..." It was the first time that Feng Jing was praised for her literary talents, and she was still a little shy, so she asked cautiously: "I are tired of talking to me with your head up, why don't we discuss it? You let your dog go, I will praise you a few more words."

(End of this chapter)

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