Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 881 Strategy... I heard that cucumbers and eunuchs are more suitable!

Chapter 881 Strategy... I heard that cucumbers and eunuchs are more suitable!
After thinking about it, Feng Jing unconsciously reached out to grab the pastry on the table, but just as she reached out, she heard a familiar... barking of a dog.

"Wow woof!" Tiger Bites excitedly yelled several times, and rushed over wagging his tail.

Feng Feng stood up first, and then immediately stepped on the stool and stood on the stone table. Her series of movements were done in one go. If there were audiences, she might even applaud.

She is not well at all now!

"Where are the eunuchs and maids of the East Palace!" Standing on the stone table, Guangfeng jumped anxiously, "Why did you put this dog in again!"

"Miss!" It was safe for Feiyu to stand below, because Tiger Biting didn't pay attention to her at all.

Feng Feng didn't have time to talk to Fei Yu, she pointed at Tiger Biting, "Don't come here!"

The tiger bites and sticks out its tongue. The huge body of the head is easily placed on the stone table with its upper body. It looks at the scenery as if it is watching a friend playing with it.

Feng Feng took a step back, "Come again... come again... I'll call someone!"

"Woof!" Tiger Bites exclaimed excitedly again, as if to say that you are calling someone.

For a moment, Fengjing felt that she was being despised by a dog. Standing on the stone table, she said to Feiyu angrily, "Hurry up and find someone to save me!"

"Yes, miss!" Feiyu hurriedly responded, turned around and ran to call for someone.

The tiger biting over there didn't intend to leave, it whimpered a few times, and it had the tendency to climb up the stone table directly to look for scenery.

All the nerves in Fengjing's mind were tense, she backed away tremblingly, "Don't come here..."

Unknowingly, she stepped on the edge of the table, her body became unbalanced, and she fell backwards. Fortunately, a hand suddenly reached out to support her, so she didn't fall down.

"Princess, are you alright?"

Feng Jing heard an old voice, she turned her head and saw that it was the old man she met in Leng Gong that day, he still remembered that his name was Yi Su, "It's you..."

The old man persuaded: "Standing on the stone table is dangerous, the princess should come down first."

"I want to come down too, but that dog is still waiting for me..." She said aggrievedly, and looked at Tiger Bite, who was drooling at her on the other side.

The old man laughed, "Crown Princess, sometimes, you have to be willing."

After saying that, he picked up the pastry on the plate on the table and threw it in one direction. The tiger gave a "owwow" and chased after the pastry.

Yisu said to the dazed scenery: "It's safe now, the princess should come down."

"Okay..." She helped his hand to get off the stone table, and when she landed on the ground and stood still, she asked in puzzlement, "Why do you know what Tiger Bites likes to eat?"

"That's because Tiger Bites was given to Master Song by an old slave ten years ago."

She was very surprised, "You gave the tiger bite?"

"Exactly." The old man nodded and said again: "Ten years ago, a little girl picked up a puppy that was sick on the street, but her father did not allow her to keep this kind of hunting dog. , so the old slave asked for the dog and brought it back to the palace, and this is how the old slave gave the dog to Master Song."

Feng Feng said: "I really didn't expect that you gave Tiger Bites to him."

"Does the Crown Princess think that there seems to be no connection between the old slave and Mr. Song?"

"is a bit……"

The old man lowered his eyes, and he was recalling, "Actually ten years ago, Mr. Song was a kind-hearted young man. It was different from him now, but it was... the same."

(End of this chapter)

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