Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 930 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

Chapter 930 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

Knowing that he was poor at words, he didn't know how to answer the words, but fortunately, the scenery was crying and crying, so he slowly stopped crying, and instead covered his stomach, and said in a crying voice: "I'm hungry..."

Ming Wen raised his hand to his forehead, and sighed helplessly.

"What should I do?" She bit her lip, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes, "I don't want to eat instant noodles."

He sighed deeply again, and finally squatted down in front of her as if resigned to his fate, leaving his back to her, "Come up."

"where to?"

"Take you to eat something delicious."

Hearing this, she obediently lay on his back, and asked uncertainly: "Is it really delicious?"

"Of course, I won't lie to you." Ming Fan's hand passed through her knee, and when he stood up, he realized that she was so light. He tilted his head slightly, and said to her, "Hold me tight."

She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck.

Ming Fan was almost strangled to death by her, so he added, "Don't be too tight."

"Oh..." She loosened her hands holding his neck.

He sighed tiredly again, and took a step forward. Suddenly, his body rose into the air and flew out of the window with her on his back.

At night, the mountain is full of insects, and the moonlight and starlight are particularly bright. Above this forest, a man with a girl on his back appeared. His toes lightly tapped on the treetops. It was a hundred meters away.

Looking back at the brightly lit school getting farther and farther away, she asked anxiously, "Is it okay if I don't go to class?"

"Eating is more important than class?"

Without thinking, she said, "Eat."

"That's fine." His magnetic voice came from the wind, "No matter what, we must let Her Royal Highness fill his stomach first."

She buried her face obediently on his back, busy being shy.

Ming Fan took her to a street in the town, which is a famous night market, and went to school not long after the scenery moved here. Naturally, he didn't know this place, but he was different. In this town, he had already I don't know how many years I lived there.

In fact, one-third of the residents in this town are ordinary humans, one-third are vampire hunters, and the remaining one-third are naturally blood-suckers. At night, when vampires come out for activities, in this night market, Jingjing can sensitively sense that seven out of ten people are vampires, but she won't worry about bumping into her parents, because Xia Chao and his wife are very picky people, and they never go to such a place where fish and dragons are mixed together. .

Many people couldn't help but focus on the scenery in the school uniform because of her pedigree, but after taking a look, these people found that there was a Mingfa beside her, and quickly looked away.

Anyone who can live here has naturally inquired about it. No one knows Ming's name, and no one knows that he wiped out an army of vampires by himself back then.

After crossing half a street, Ming Fan walked directly into a tavern with Feng Jing, smelling the fragrance of wine, Feng Feng tugged at his sleeve, "You didn't bring me to drink, did you?"

"Underages are not allowed to drink, and I won't give you a drink if you want to." Ming Fan grabbed her hand and brought her to the counter, and he said to the boss: "Everything remains the same, and I will add a children's meal."

Hearing this, she immediately said angrily: "You only eat the children's meal!"

(End of this chapter)

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