Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 959 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

Chapter 959 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

"Then...then you have to give me a reason." Feng Feng said, "I'm not a child of two or three years old anymore. Can I take off my clothes casually?"

"Guangfeng, are you forcing me to do something to you?"

Feng Jing stepped back several steps in a row, and retreated directly to the corner, "If you have something to say, please say it... You old man, don't mess around!"

Wang Ci raised his hand slightly, and many green vines crawled in from the window in an instant, and quickly spread throughout the room. The walls, tables and chairs were all covered by green vines, and the scenery was forced to retreat. His feet were entangled by vines, and he lost his resistance.

She felt very bad, "I said that if you want to play bondage play, go play with my dad, what are you doing with me?"

"Don't bluff, I've been tired of playing with your dad for a long time." Wang Ci's ability is to control plants. With this ability, she has indeed brought a lot of convenience to her life, but today , She used it on her daughter for the first time.

Seeing her mother approaching her step by step, she looked like a girl being bullied by a bully, and said loudly: "Dad, come in and save me!"

Xia Chao knocked on the door anxiously, "What happened?"

"Don't make noise!" Wang Ci yelled at the door, and it immediately fell silent.

In front of Mrs. Xia, Master Xia is just like Miss Xia, powerless.

Feng Feng wept silently in her heart, she no longer wanted to lament why her father usually seemed very machismo, but when the critical moment came, he acted like a strict wife again?

"As soon as I saw you today, I felt something was wrong." Wang Ci finally came to his daughter, and said slowly: "It's okay to see me, but when you see your father, you actually put on such a bright smile , Fengjing, haven't you always disliked your father?"

"That's...that's because I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you!"

"When you were young, I took you to live in England for a while. At that time, you didn't see your father for a longer time. Why was your father not as happy to see you when he came?"

"I...I..." She felt guilty, "That's because I'm young and ignorant!"

"I think you are clearly guilty." Wang Ci touched his daughter's cheek with his hand. The red nail polish on her fingers made her beautiful face even fairer. "I have taught you since I was a child that even if you are a criminal You don't have to worry about the most serious mistake, no matter if you kill a human being or a blood race person, your dad and I will take care of the aftermath for you, but you don't even have the ability to kill people. You say you have a guilty conscience because of what?"

"I'm guilty... because I skipped class..."

"Skipping class? Isn't this a common thing for you?" Wang Ci withdrew his hand on Feng Jing's face, folded his arms, and raised a smile on his red lips, "Osiris, it can be said that it is a school for the children of blood clan nobles. There are definitely quite a few boys of the blood race above A-level, so there are not a few good-looking boys. Your mother and I are from here. Ordinary blood daughter, you are pure blood, it doesn't matter if you play with those boys, but you can't be serious."

"Why..." Feng Jing said pitifully: "Mom, didn't you also say that? My marriage contract with Situ You is nothing at all. If it is because of my marriage contract..."

(End of this chapter)

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