Fast wear strategy female with poison

Chapter 971 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

Chapter 971 Strategies against Vampire Hunters

Zeng Xue nodded half understanding.

Feng Guang patted her on the shoulder, "In short, I won't be with Situ You, if you like him, then work hard."

"Wait, don't get me wrong..."

"Let me tell you quietly..." The scenery leaned closer to the blushing Zeng Xue, and whispered in her ear: "The blood race values ​​offspring very much, maybe if you are pregnant with a child, the chances of you and Situ You getting together will be a little higher."

"What are you talking about! I don't like him!" Zeng Xue covered her blushing face, turned and ran away.

Yan Bai, who was watching from the sidelines the whole time, questioned, "Are all human beings so easily shy?"

Feng Feng glanced at him indifferently, not understanding where Yan Bai got the courage to speak out against others.

"My lord, what are you doing looking at me like that?"

Feng Feng sucked the blood from the bottle again, expressionless, "I was wondering why the physical education teacher hasn't come yet?"

"It's normal for the physical education teacher to be late, because he is from our school..."

Before Yan Bai finished speaking, a lazy voice came over, "I'm sorry, teacher, I'm late again today."

When Feng Jing heard this familiar voice, she almost spat out the blood from her mouth. She held back and didn't spit out, but she was choked, and the violent cough seemed to be coughing out her throat.

"Why is this classmate so careless?" Ming Fan, who was still wearing a doctor's uniform, walked up to her, just like an ordinary teacher caring about a student, and gently patted her on the back, "Drink things slowly, and don't worry about it." People will rob you."

Scenery finally slowed down and glared at him.

Some students asked: "Teacher, why did you come half an hour earlier than usual today?"

A class is only 45 minutes, and it is amazing that he can come half an hour late.

Knowingly and casually said: "Teacher, I was too busy in the past. I worked tirelessly last night to finish the matter, so I can come here earlier today."

Stay up late last night to deal with business?

The scenery blushed and did not speak.

Another student asked: "Teacher, are you busy sleeping in the infirmary?"

"Sleep, sleep, what else do you have in your mind besides sleep every day?" Ming Fan reminded the group of students with a teacher's morality, "In the future, think more about studying and work hard to improve your grades."

A lot of people cut it, the students of Department A, as blood races, never need to rely on their grades to make a living.

Knowingly and casually said: "Today is also free activities, you can play whatever you want, remember not to leave the playground."

No student responded to him, and they had already scattered to various places in the playground.

Yan Bai came over with a pair of tennis rackets, "My lord, do you want to play tennis?"

Feng Feng thought about it, she seemed to have not exercised for a long time, she drank the blood in the milk bottle in a few gulps, threw the empty bottle into Ming Fan's arms next to her, took a beat, and pointed to the A tennis court, said to Yan Bai: "Let's go over there."

Yan Bai followed immediately.

Knowing that standing alone and looking at the back of the scenery, there is a kind of desolation of left-behind children.

On the other side, Feng Feng said to Yan Bai: "You fight seriously, don't show mercy."

Anyway, Yan Bai looks so weak, and his sports are also poor, if he puts water on her because of her identity, it will be too boring.

Yan Bai said: "Okay, my lord."

Then, the scenery did not receive a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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