The most famous wife

Chapter 447 The Taste He Likes

Chapter 447 The Taste He Likes
Su Jing'an walked to his desk, and looked down at another insulated box on the desk.

Inside are handmade dumplings, brought by the woman just now.

There was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xi Qianye hurried over and threw those things into the trash can in disgust.

"These are the company's recent key project plans and budgets. Take a look first."

In order to stay with her for a while longer, Xi Qianye took a stack of documents that he had already processed on the desk and placed them in front of her.

Seeing this, Su Jingan sat down, opened the file and read it slowly.


Seeing that she was finally willing to stay, Xi Qianye turned his attention to the heat preservation box she brought.

After opening the insulated box, a scent that he was very familiar with came to his face.

It was fried noodles with eggs made by her, which he was very familiar with.

In the past, she didn't know how to cook, the only thing she could cook was fried noodles with eggs!

Every time he is busy until late at night, she will make this supper for him!

In the past few years, she has learned a lot of cooking skills to pass the time, but she never wants to cook for him.

"It's still the original taste." He picked up the chopsticks, took a big bite of the egg fried noodles, and then showed a satisfied expression.

Although the ingredients of Zhuodao fried noodles are ordinary, they are not delicacies from mountains and seas.

But it's his favorite food, and he thinks it's the most delicious food in the world.

As long as she is willing to do it for him, even if she eats it for a lifetime, he won't feel tired!

In less than a few minutes, he had already eaten a box of fried noodles, and he didn't even want to waste some scraps, so he ate them all finely.

Su Jing'an couldn't help but look at him twice.

"The group has resumed normal operation now. You don't have to sleep here every day. I have already given you the key to the villa. Why don't you go back to live?" She couldn't help asking.

In S City, Xi Qianye has several properties besides their wedding villa by the lake.

Although those properties have now been transferred to her name, she still gave him the keys.

He didn't live in any of them.

After asking her question, Xi Qianye put down the chopsticks in his hand.

"I'm not used to not having you there, so I might as well stay here." He smiled wryly, and then said.

His words made Su Jing'an feel ironic at this time.

"If you are afraid of being lonely, you can find a woman to accompany you."

The woman who left just now is a very good choice!

The girls around him are all in their early twenties, younger and gentler than her, and they are obedient to him...

Any one, Su Jing'an also felt, was more suitable than herself to take care of her by his side.

Her words made his face change.

Is she pushing him towards another woman?
"No one but you!" After a while, he spoke again, looking at her seriously.

Nobody but her...

After hearing his words, Su Jing'an laughed.

"Xi Qianye, I'm no longer a girl in her early twenties, your words can't fool me."

She was wondering if he had said something like that to that woman just now!
The smile on her face hurt Xi Qianye's nerves!

Indeed, unlike many years ago, her body was a little less youthful, on the contrary, there was more vicissitudes that made him feel distressed...

He began to regret the stupid things he did back then!

(End of this chapter)

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