1128 Chapter 98
Lin Hong chatted with Qin Mei for a few more words, then hung up the phone.

Xuan Yunzhi sat at the dining table, took a bite of the bread, and did not speak.

Si Yunxie who was sitting opposite raised his eyelids,
"Is something wrong?"

A low voice sounded.

Xuan Yunzhi looked up.

Looking at the gentle and handsome man opposite, even if he was only wearing a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up, his simple movements made people look so dignified.

She blinked, with many emotions mixed in her eyes, and she hesitated to speak.

Xuan Yunzhi still hasn't spoken.

Si Yunxie on the opposite side put down the knife and fork in his hand, and the cutlery and plate made a sound when they were knocked together

handsome appearance, faint tone of voice

"Got to go?"

Xuan Yunzhi showed an ugly smile
"Three days later."

Si Yunxie raised his eyelids, and his deep eyes met her.

After a long time, listening to his abrupt voice

"I am full?"

Xuan Yunzhi still has bread in his mouth
"What, what?"

Someone stood up, pulled out the chair, and walked up to her.

Tear off the exposed bread, still on the table.

"Now that you're full, let's do something meaningful."

Xuan Yunzhi looked at the thrown away bread.

Look at this person again.

The right to speak was not given at all, and the person was dragged upstairs.

Three days later, on the afternoon of the award ceremony.

Xuan Yunzhi received a text message from Xiao Li.

She rubs her hair.

Tapping the table with his fingertips.

This is, can't sit still?

While thinking about it, she stood up and stopped the costumer who continued to change her dress.

Walk out wearing a denim T-shirt.

Before leaving, he told Lin Hong a few words
"I'm afraid I won't be able to make it back in time. When the time comes, find a dress and shoes and go directly to the awards ceremony and wait for me."

Lin Hong listened, puzzled

"The award ceremony will start in three hours. Is there anything more important than the award ceremony today?"

Xuan Yunzhi is also very helpless

"I have to go find Xuan Dazhuang, it's lost."

After finishing speaking, he went out.

This is the text message that Xiao Li sent just now.

"Xuan Dazhuang is with me, come to the address I sent you alone, otherwise, I don't mind feeding Xuan Dazhuang to Gu Duo'er, oh yes, you probably don't know it yet, if the level of the experiencer A little higher than another experienced person, the system of the taller person can swallow the system of the weaker person alone.Come on, my patience is not good. '

Xuan Yunzhi took a taxi.

Go to the address sent by Xiao Li.


She moved her fingers, lowered her head, and the weeping blood red hairpin had already appeared on her hand.

She held the hairpin.

It was the first time that he encountered a host stronger than himself.

But... she has performed so many missions, so she has nothing to be afraid of.

This hairpin, which can ignore any attack and is extremely easy to use, made her feel better than she expected.

Take it in your hand and play with it.

A smile slipped from the corner of his lips.

The things she can use now, apart from this hairpin, are the streamer pistol and a healing pill.

The original resurrection pill was used to treat the wound she suffered from the air sniper cannon.

Thanks to this keen intuition, otherwise, I would have died in that alley long ago.

There are still three hours left for the awards ceremony, so... she only needs to survive three hours until the ceremony announces the winner of the Golden Jade Actress, no matter whether she is physically disabled or intact, as long as she is still breathing, the task is considered completed.

(End of this chapter)

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