Uncle the emperor loves me like his life

Chapter 574 The Stupid Woman

Chapter 574 The Stupid Woman

I have to say that although Yu Lan is not in Tianxie City very much, there are many maps of Tianxie City in his study, and the maps of those big families are also very detailed. She carefully studied the entire Tianxie City and studied other His family, especially the territory of the Cui family, did not spare a single bit.

Relying on his memory, he headed towards Cui's house, drifting like a ghost all the way, and soon came to Cui's house.

She jumped up from the corner of the wall and entered Cui's courtyard. Her figure merged with the night, and the guards who walked past didn't notice her existence.

After the patrolling guards disappeared, Ye Tao'an then went to the back yard based on memory. That's right, that's where Cui Yingyue lived, and she came here to avenge Wu Yujun.

She can bear to provoke her, but she can't bear to provoke Wu Yujun!
She just can't see Mr. Wu Yu being bullied!
There are quite a few guards outside Cui Yingyue's courtyard, but with Ye Tao'an's figure, he can easily escape the eyes and ears of those people. A black shadow has come to the door, and a maid standing in front of the door is already drowsy. , the maid lay down on the ground.

Pushing the door open, there was almost no sound. Ye Tao'an had already arrived at Cui Yingyue's bed, and Cui Yingyue was sleeping very soundly at this point.


It has to be said that Cui Yingyue's vigilance is quite high, but Zaigao is not as fast as Ye Tao'an's attack.


A fist hit Cui Yingyue's face hard, making her dizzy, and before she could react, she found herself limp and lying on the bed.

Opening her eyes, she finally saw who it was by the moonlight.

"It's you!"

She originally wanted to cry out in surprise, but after she did, she realized that her voice could be as low as it wanted, and she couldn't do it with force, so she could only stare at Ye Tao'an bitterly, unable to exert any force on her body Come.

"What are you here for?"

She underestimated this woman, not only because of her strength but also her courage, she dared to break into Cui's house single-handedly.

"kill you."

Ye Tao'an smiled strangely, a pair of scissors exuded a slight chill under the moonlight, she knelt down and swung the sharp knife on Cui Yingyue's face, which made Cui Yingyue break out in a cold sweat immediately.

"Are you crazy?"

She growled angrily, "You are a fucking lunatic. This is the Cui family. If you kill me, you won't be able to escape. Just wait to be buried with me."

Before she could seek revenge on this man, the bitch came to her door by herself.

Ye Taoan sneered, and looked at Cui Yingyue with an idiot's eyes, "Are you stupid? Who knows if I kill you now? When they know, I have already left Cui's house. Who will drag me to be buried with you?"

"Have you ever thought about Mr. Wu Yu? If you kill me, my father will definitely suspect Mr. Wu Yu."


"You hit me"

Ye Tao'an slapped Ye Tao'an hard, and Cui Yingyue, who slapped her, tightly covered her face, her face was already swollen, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth, dripping onto the quilt, it was extremely scarlet.

"I hit you to wake you up. I found out that you are really stupid. What level is Mr. Wuyu? A fifth-level spiritual master can sneak into your room at night? Do you think you are stupid or are you stupid?" Dad stupid?"

What a joke, even if you suspect Wu Yujun, Wuyu Jun will be fine, whoever makes Wu Yujun's strength can't sneak into Cui's house quietly.

"Do you think your father will still doubt me?"


(End of this chapter)

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