My school grass is very versatile

Chapter 937 Forward and forward!

Chapter 937 Forward and forward!

The music gradually intensifies, and the intermittent drum beats are like a slowly beating heart, boom, boom, boom.

The guards who are familiar with Su Chen are all staring at the live broadcast.

All the performers left the stage at this moment.

In front of Tiananmen Square, only those who played background music were left.

But now the live broadcast screen has become a video one by one.

It was the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and China was waiting for prosperity!
Numerous scientific researchers have gone on to the great cause of the rejuvenation of the motherland, swaying their sweat and life.

In the first video, it was an old general of the Republic.

When he was inspecting abroad, he stood on tiptoe and looked into the tanks of Country M.

It can be clearly seen that country M at that time really looked down on Huaxia!
Even one of their most ordinary soldiers didn't have even the most basic respect when treating our country's generals!
But the old man, regardless of their strange eyes, observed humbly.

At the end of the picture, the back of the old man was fixed. The straight spine and the white hair made people feel sad!
At that time, Huaxia was as weak as a newborn child.

The sound of the drum sounded heavily at this moment, and then the screen changed...

Teams of scientific researchers received orders from their superiors to conquer the Gobi Desert and manufacture our great power!

Two bombs and one star, without the slightest help from foreign countries, were completed by our country alone!
When the huge mushroom cloud exploded, infinite pride arose in people's hearts!

Huaxia is getting stronger!
How many people's painstaking efforts are involved in this?

The next picture was the blue sky, but seeing that familiar picture, everyone shuddered involuntarily.

In the sky over the South China Sea, the naval aircraft of country M violated our country's airspace regardless of our country's obstruction.

Pilot Wang Wei was ordered to carry out the expulsion mission, but after many negotiations, country M still insisted on going its own way.

Facing an enemy that is more advanced than ours, defeating the enemy means paying a higher price.

But as a PLA soldier with a glorious tradition, he has the courage to face opponents with more advanced weapons.

Even if you pay the price of your life!
"Call number 81152, call 81152, the deck is cleared, please return immediately, please return immediately!"

"Received 81192, I can no longer return to the voyage, you continue to move forward, and I will always stand guard for the sky of the motherland."

These are the last words he left in this world.

This country is not yet strong, but there will always be a group of people who will protect her with their lives!

Also tell other covetous people, what is the Chinese territory, sacred and inviolable!
Seeing this scene, countless people burst into tears!
But the music was still going on, and the music that was just a little more cheerful turned into a sad tune at some point.

May [-]th is a day that the whole country will never forget.

The ruthless earthquake destroyed the homes of an unknown number of people.

The ever-increasing number of deaths made everyone who heard it feel like a knife had been stabbed in their hearts.

But precisely because of this incident, let us know what is called unity of one mind, and let the whole world know what a united country China is!

Countless materials were rushed to the disaster area, and countless soldiers and volunteers of the People's Liberation Army rushed there frantically.

That was a sad year. In that year, the Olympic flame was lit in the imperial capital!
Huaxia experienced countless ups and downs, and finally... stood up!

 Second update?

  Don't wait, everyone, really...

  Rest early, be good!
(End of this chapter)

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