Chapter 1204 Meet the original 49.18
If viewed by modern people, it is indeed quite artistic.

Those lines are very irregular, and the pattern is hardly seen, but the overall look is very good.

Ke Ziyue, who hadn't realized what it was, said the words "beautiful", and the surrounding orcs took several steps back.

As if they wanted to stay away from some virus, their actions and expressions clearly expressed their disgust.

If I hadn't forced myself to calm down in my heart, I might have been like other orcs.

But his voice was still trembling, and he squatted down slightly, "Ziyue, don't you know what this is?"

Even if she is not from this continent, she is an envoy of God. Does the envoy of God know what this is?
He wanted to convince himself, but he found that he was really powerless.

Ke Ziyue looked at him like an idiot, and said angrily, "How would I know, I'm not from your dynasty."

Could it be that this is the symbol representing the envoy? That's really... Wait, no, that damned rabbit said it before.

The one with lines on the arm is yes. "This, this."

Thinking of a certain possibility, Ke Ziyue's face turned livid, and her eyes were full of disbelief.

It must not be what she thought it would be, certainly not.

He threw himself on him, grabbed his hand, and asked anxiously: "It's not like that, right, tell me, it's just a simple pattern, isn't it?"

She is clearly an envoy of God, how could she be abandoned by the Beast God, absolutely impossible.

These people are all lying to her, they are all lying to her.

You hugged him into his arms, his eyes overflowed with sadness, what else could he say at this point.

If you are expelled, you should be expelled, at least I will always be by her side, take care of her, and prevent her from doing bad things.

Together they find a place where nobody lives, quietly.

"Well, tell me, tell me, tell me."

Ke Ziyue broke down and cried, she couldn't accept that one moment she was a noble and extraordinary envoy that everyone respected, and the next moment she was an outcast that everyone hated and loathed, she couldn't be reconciled.

How did it become like this? By the way, it's all that damned rabbit.

Without her, without her, none of this would have happened.

"Ah..." Tears fell down like a flood that burst a bank, and the face that was already covered with a little dust, because of the tears, looked even more embarrassed.

Let the onlookers present look sideways.

"Since you have made a choice, you can do it yourself in the future."

"And you too, I hope you will be prudent in doing things in the future, and don't be impatient and one-sided."

This is the last thing their patriarch can warn them. Some things, once chosen, can never be turned back.

They are not in a state of tension now, they don't know if the beast god will punish them, everything can only be prayed.

I pray that all this will not happen, that the Beast God can give them another chance to listen to their confession seriously.

Bu led his clansmen away, instead of looking at the orcs who were looking forward to staring at him.

That resolute back has already opened a gully with them at this moment, and no one can cross it.

The rest of the orcs looked at each other in blank dismay, and in the end they all tacitly cast disgusted looks at the two people who were still hugging each other, chose a direction, and walked away together.

Ke Ziyue's mood was very unstable. She was hit too hard by the sudden change and couldn't calm down in a short time.

Bai Shu and Xun Mi, who finally returned to the tribe before dark, were surrounded by enthusiastic crowds.

Bai Shu also didn't expect that today is the day when the Ice Snake Clan gathers in the square at night.

I thought they should all rest, but it turned out.
"I'll go, Bai Shu, you can do it, you brought back such a beautiful female without making a sound."

"That's right, I'm so jealous, why don't I have such good luck."

"Go, go, go, my brothers wander around the Yata Forest every day and haven't met a single female, okay?"

"It's so beautiful, what should I do if I'm even more jealous."

The appearance of Xun Mi is actually relatively rare in the orc world, and it can even be said to be unique.

Because of the living environment, the facial features of the females here are relatively rough, and the outlines are relatively deep, which is a bit similar to Westerners.

That's why when the heroine came to this world, all the males in the tribe fell in love with her so quickly.

Part of the reason is this, because it is special because it is rare, and the natural one is especially admired.

If she doesn't deal with those moths, but just be a law-abiding female, she will still attract the attention of everyone.

"Get out of the way, we are going to meet the patriarch and priest."

Bai Shu angrily pushed away the surrounding males, carefully guarded Xun Mi and walked inside.

Everywhere they passed were hot gazes, mixed with unfriendly gazes from females.

Xun Mi smiled and signaled one by one, not too deliberate, nor arrogant.

After finding the patriarch and the priest among the people who were barbecued, Bai Shu briefly explained the matter to them.

After listening to the two, they also sighed very much, what era should have the appearance of what era.

"Let's go play." Bai Mao looked at his nephew, who obviously wanted to leave, but because the two old guys didn't speak, and looked anxious, he patted his shoulder teasingly.

As soon as he got the words, Bai Shu immediately took Xun Mi's hand and walked towards the people who were dancing around the fire.

Xun Mi raised her eyebrows, is my husband going to play a song for her?

Ouch, that feeling is good, looking forward to it.

"Little guy, we snake people are very simple. If you like it, you like it. If you are sure, go after it."

"I want to ask to marry you as my partner. I swear on the honor of the orc that I will love you, protect you, respect you, respect you, and dedicate everything I have to you, including my life."

The solemn tone and clear words made Xun Mi widen his eyes in surprise.

I promised to dance, how did it turn into a confession, bad review.

But how does this feel like a marriage proposal o(╯□╰)o
If her husband is at such a speed every time, she will feel very unfulfilled.

Bai Shu stared nervously at Xun Mi's eyes, not wanting to miss any emotion in them.

He was sure that the little guy liked him too, and even said that he would be with him for the rest of his life, so the first thing he did when he came back was to fix him up.

Can't wait.

She was too beautiful and dazzling, and he was afraid that if he didn't hurry up, others would take the lead.

Of course, he was very confident that he could defeat all the orcs who coveted her.

He was the strongest warrior in the tribe, and he would be the most worthy male for her.

Xun Mi looked at the person in front of him silently, he was obviously a little cautious little quail a moment ago, how suddenly he turned into a peacock with its tail spread.

Is she delusional?
(End of this chapter)

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