Chapter 1210 Contract Blind Wife 50.2
She still has a shadow in her heart, why don't you help her (#‵′).

Looking through the memory again, the hero will come back every day in order to complete the play to the end.

And the original owner also signed a two-year marriage contract with the male lead, to be precise, it was proposed by the male lead.

If both parties find their lover within these three years, they can divorce at any time. If they don't, they will be divorced after two years.

At that time, he will send the original owner abroad and will not stay here anymore.

The original owner is a very open-minded person, from her memory she felt that she had already fallen in love with the male lead.

But after the male lead filed for divorce, she signed it without hesitation.

The reason is that I don't want to embarrass the hero, and feel that I am not good enough for him.

Xun Mi thinks that the original owner is really stupid, but also very true, her love and hatred are heavy.

Now it is the regular lunch break time of the original owner, and she will go to school to teach children to sing.

Oh, I forgot to mention that the original owner is definitely a model of the kind who is physically and mentally disabled. Even without eyes, she was admitted to the conservatory of music through music.

Had a bright future, unfortunately
After she got married, she taught music at a nearby aristocratic college, which was a continuous reading system from elementary school to high school.

She is responsible for the vocal music of elementary school and high school, but don't underestimate her, although she is invisible, she has a good sense.

What the original owner could do in the past, it is even more handy to find it now.

Who made her spiritual power completely indistinguishable from a normal person? In other words, she also has a Xiaobai who can change forms at will.

Only now did she understand the deep malice from the system, no wonder she was given some conversion fluid.

"Xiaobai, become a Samoyed and act as my guide dog."

Get Xiaobai out, while ravaging its white fluff, laughing.

She actually used a Samoyed as a guide dog, and she felt very happy thinking about it.

I don’t know if others will think she is sick O(∩_∩)O hahaha~ Fortunately, Xiaobai is not a real Samoyed.

According to the time, the heroine has already returned, and today is the time to meet the hero.

She didn't plan to do any sabotage, if the male lead was her husband, nothing would happen even if she met the female lead.

If the hero is not the husband, then she has no need to intervene.

Get out of bed, go into the bathroom to wash up, and put on a long white dress that the original owner prefers.

She looked at herself in the mirror, her face was still the same, but her eyes, which were originally full of charm, were gloomy, without the slightest radiance, and they were so dull that they seemed fake.

In the past, the original owner used white ribbons to attach the eyes, and clothes of different colors would also be matched with ribbons of the same color.

She did this not to gain sympathy from others, but to tell others that she was inconvenient, and hoped that everyone would not get too close to her, so as not to cause trouble to others.

But there were still many men and women who wanted to join her. It was not until the news of her marriage came out that those crazy bees and butterflies were dispelled.

Who told the original owner that even though he was blind, his appearance and temperament were all online.

Walking on the street, looking for a slow pace, holding a rope in his hand, on the other side of the rope is a fluffy, huge and very cute Samoyed.

It also walked very slowly, and it chose a relatively stable place to walk, as if it was taking care of the woman in white behind it.

The woman was wearing a white long dress that was so simple that there was nothing special about it. Her jet-black hair, as beautiful as satin, lay on the white, like a decoration, natural and beautiful.

Her eyes were covered with a thin layer of veil, but people couldn't see the outline inside.

But this did not detract from her beauty in the slightest, the exposed half of her face was delicate and beautiful.

Fenfen's lips raised a small arc, neither thick nor light, just right, making everyone who saw it feel very comfortable.

The temperament on her body was even more peaceful and peaceful. In the hot weather, she was like a breeze coming slowly, disrupting the fiery rhythm.

No matter how impetuous the heart is, it can all be calmed down because of her smile.

This person is not the kind of stunning beauty, nor is it the kind of unique beauty.

But it just makes people on the road unable to take their eyes off, because she is really so comfortable and comfortable.

When everyone was gone, there were still some people on the road who didn't realize it and just stared blankly.

"God, have I seen a fairy?"

"Although I think your adjective is exaggerated, I can't find a more appropriate adjective for her."

"I took a picture, I'm going to show it, ah, ah, the goddess in my mind."

As soon as a piece of news was thrown on the Internet, it caused an uproar in an instant.

Not for anything else, just for the feeling that this person still exudes through the photos and the screen.

And her identity as the young lady of the Xiao family was revealed.

Xun Mi naturally doesn't know this, she is now walking into the class with a smile.

Unlike her imagination, they were all very good, and even stood up politely to say hello when they saw her.

Even if I have seen it in my memory, it still feels different when I experience it in person.

The children are easy to coax. After teaching two lighter nursery rhymes, one class is over.

Xun Mi felt that he just came here to make some soy sauce, and he didn't need to pack anything, so he patted Xiao Bai who was nestled at his feet, and prepared to go back.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, can you help me with my class, I'm in a hurry."

A slightly anxious voice suddenly came from the door, Xun Mi hadn't used her mental power to scan, her brain had already told her who it was.

It can be seen how strong the original owner's sensitivity and memory are.

"Ms. Li, okay, is it class two?" Xun Mi stood up, facing the person coming, and said softly.

Appreciation flashed in the eyes of a middle-aged woman named Mr. Li. She also studied music, so she would naturally have a better impression of people with both tolerance and talent.

And the person in front of him was like this, but Nai He had never been in contact with them before.

Because of the special nature of the other party, he would leave early every time after class.

"Yes, the principal said that a big man is coming this afternoon, which is related to investing in the school."

"But just now my son's class teacher called and said that the child has a fever, I"

Teacher Li didn't hide anything. It's not that she didn't find other music teachers, but those teachers were worried when they heard that they were going to be raided, and they all said that they had something to do.

She had no choice but to find this.

These things were not written in the plot, so Xun Mi didn't think much about it, so he nodded.

"Okay, I will try my best to help, Mr. Li, you go first, the child is important."

Teacher Li said a few words of thanks and left in a hurry. She was indeed in a hurry.

The former high school teacher also taught, and Xun Mi quickly found Class Two of the third year before the class bell rang.

Unlike those cute children, children who are in adolescence are more noisy.

(End of this chapter)

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