Chapter 1721 I heard that I was three? 74.12
Qin Xuan and Qin Man's complexion changed, they didn't know this.

I just thought that the Qin and Mu families had a marriage contract after all, and that Mu Xunmi liked their elder brother very much (I thought).

They should explain their situation and helplessness to her well, and they should be forgiven.

But why did she come back, and the elder brother who was with her didn't come back?

They all quietly put this question in their hearts, planning to find some time to ask.

"Why, thinking about how to win over the other party?"

Yuan Shurong's eyes showed viciousness, as if they dared to nod, he would strike immediately.

After finally being able to take down the Mu family, Cheng Yaojin came out.

Before the end of the world, their family was overwhelmed by the Mu family everywhere. After the end of the world, would they still be overwhelmed?

How can this work, he doesn't allow it.

Qin Xuan raised her head, looked directly into Yuan Shurong's eyes, and said calmly, "You think too much."

They are not thinking about how to win over, but how to reconcile.

"Heh Qin Xuan, do you think I'm stupid and easy to deceive?"

'Bang' The wall behind the two of them was instantly covered with golden steel needles, two-thirds of which hadn't penetrated into the wall.

Yuan Shurong withdrew his hand slowly, and watched with satisfaction that the expressions of the Qin brothers and sisters changed dramatically.

What are they thinking, he will not understand?

If you want to have a good relationship with the Mu family, it depends on whether he agrees or not.

Now that they have a tendency to be disobedient, don't blame him.

"We didn't think so, but we were just thinking that it's time for the eldest brother to come back, and how to persuade him then."

Qin Xuan lowered her eyes to hide the powerlessness inside.

The standard oval face, because of the cold all year round, looks very sharp and sharp, with a masculine heroism.

But at this moment, there is a kind of melancholy, with a faint sadness that cannot be seen clearly.

"Really? It's best to be like this. It is said that Mu Xunmi wants to talk about supernatural powers, and he is beyond his control. Let's go, let's go and have a look."

He stood up, straightened his clothes, and walked out.

Qin Man and Qin Xuan looked at the mess in the room, calmed down, and followed.

In the past, Yuan Shurong would be a little bit worried about them, but now
They had a very bad premonition in their hearts, did he break through the fourth level?

otherwise how could
I didn't think about it later, but both of them knew very well what it was.

"Let's talk about the soil element first. In your opinion, the water element is the most useless, and the earth element is the one behind."

"After all, the soil system seems to only be able to force the soil to dig a hole and build an earth wall. It belongs to the auxiliary system and is not aggressive."

Sitting on the comfortable brown leather sofa, Xun Mi said slowly.

There is a basement in the square, which is brightly lit and not too hot. A group of people will gather here to listen intently.

"Yes, Miss Mu, do you have any good ideas?"

"Miss Mu, please tell us a little bit, please."

The earth-type superhuman screamed passionately, although it was noisy, it was very self-controlled.

The ability users of other departments were a little disappointed, but they were still very interested.

After all, the earth element is really like what she said, except for defense, it is useless.

Xun Mi took a sip of water and moistened his throat, "Many people will think that there is no attack system, and many people will think that it is low-level, but it is not."

"Someone has seen my water ability. You can judge whether it is strong or not, but my level is not high, the first level of the second level."


"God, what did I hear? I always thought it was the fifth or sixth grade!"

"You are not alone!"

"You are not alone +1"

The constant exclamation drifted into Xun Mi's ears, and the corners of his lips curved in satisfaction.

Quietly asked Mu Lu, who was accompanying her, "Brother, isn't my pretense cool enough?"

Mu Lu, who was also in shock, felt bad when he heard his sister's words.

This girl is really naughty, she is angry and funny in her heart.

"(*^__^*) Hee hee...Brother is the best." Xun Mi poured a cup of tea for his brother with a smile, and then turned to the people who had stopped below.

"I want to tell you that the strength of strength does not absolutely come from the level, its root and source are the most important."

"The root of the soil system is soil, and its source is the earth. How can there be no soil?"

"Even if the concrete floor we are stepping on is covered with soil, what can the soil do? It can move mountains and fill seas!"

"Speaking of which, you must say that every time you use the ability, you need to use your hands to support the ground or the mountain. It is extremely inconvenient and the movement is slow. You may not be able to escape when you encounter danger."

"Then let me ask you, where are your feet? Well, speaking of the earth element, if you want to go further, come to the Mu family to sign up with news tomorrow."

"Next let's talk about another useless wood system"

The woman in white sitting on the sofa is elegant and calm, talking eloquently, and every point she says is justified.

Even if it is not from the same line of speaking, other listeners feel very inspired.

The only problem that exists is how to control it, that method, they want to know.

After two hours, Xun Mi had given a superficial explanation of all the departments.

Even Yuan Shurong's gold department was included, and Yuan Shurong's eyes were wild when he heard it.

She is such a baby.

Such a good baby, whose surname is Mu, if the madness flashes across his face.

Qin Xuan, who just discovered it, frowned.

Should she remind Mu Xunmi, as a younger sister?
On this day, the supernatural beings in the security base were boiling, while the ordinary people were silent.

Although the supernatural beings did not suppress ordinary people here, the status of ordinary people was very low.

If the supernatural beings are stronger, there will be less room for ordinary people to live.

Just when everyone was anxious, a piece of news made them jump up and cheer.

Mu's physical fitness training class started.

Enrollment requirements: All men and women who want to learn self-protection ability, have the determination to endure hardships, and obey the requirements can apply.

With just two hands, in one night, the Mu family has changed from an extremely dangerous and embarrassing situation in the security base to an object that everyone admires and wants to follow.

As long as you go out, you can hear people praising the Mu family couple for having a good daughter, and Major General Mu for having a good sister.

The sky of the security base has really changed, and it has become very thorough.

In this case, some people are happy and some are worried.

"Do you guys understand what to do?" Yuan Shurong narrowed his eyes, staring at the brightly colored liquid in his hand, which was full of occupation.

"I know the leader."

"Go." The Qin family, the Mu family, should all become my Yuan family.

Such a capable and beautiful beauty should be matched with a doomsday hero like him.

As for Qin Bo'an, heh. Didn't he come back, then he should never come back.

Anyway, he didn't need someone to hinder him. He drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp, licked his lips, and his eyes were filled with horror.

'Crack' the cup shattered, and the golden streamer loomed in the hand.

The shattered cup was intact in an instant, but changed color.

Looking at his finished product with satisfaction, this is like a safe base, only he can control it.

 [Dust Quotations: [-] updates will be dropped tomorrow, is it a surprise n(*≧▽≦*)n
  On the 7th, the new book will be launched on Friday, which is not surprising~\(≧▽≦)/~
  At that time, please pay more attention to the little angels mua~~~
  感谢亲爱的(KiSsヤ尛憇藌?)(╰☆wō哭了ジ誰會心疼☆╮×2)(南城九尾狐×2)(小蔡兰)(名字好难起×2)(“子非鱼)(永恒、只是放屁×3)小天使们的打赏,扑倒么么扎(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭]
(End of this chapter)

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