Chapter 430 Cohabitation Daily Special

Cohabitation No.90 for six days, Xun Mi found out everything about her husband.

Even the small shrimps hidden in the horns were touched by her once, and she sighed, no wonder those people have to give face to her husband's strength.

Spread all over the country, like a dense big net, pulling the whole body, how dare those people take risks.

The villa has also been transformed into a look that fully meets Xun Mi's preferences. The decoration is simple and elegant, but it contains the aroma of books.

Coupled with some jade products placed outside, it adds a touch of extravagance.

Xun Mi hugged the panda pillow and sat on the sofa watching TV, feeling very depressed.

Because the figure of my husband is appearing on it, but there is a beautifully dressed woman beside her.

The point is that she hasn't seen it before, that's fine, but her husband let her stay by his side.

She is upset, she has a little mood.

When Fu Fanyan finally finished his work and went home to look for his little baby, he saw the little baby was barefoot, holding a panda, standing at the door waiting for him whether he wanted to cry or not.

In an instant, my heart was so frightened that I ran over to pick him up and asked nervously.

"What's the matter with Angela, is she feeling unwell, or someone bullied you."

There are not many people in this villa, and those who come in have been strictly examined, just because they are afraid that someone will treat his little treasure badly.

Xun Mi held her husband's collar tightly with her hands, pouted her mouth, and shook her head, that look, the baby is wronged, but the baby just doesn't say it, you come and coax me to say it, Fu Fanyan's heart is tightly pulled .

"Angela, be good, tell the uncle, the uncle will help Angela out, okay?"

He said a lot of good things in a row, and it seemed that the little baby was finally moved. He only heard her speak, and her tone was about to cry, which was pitiful.

"Uncle, do you not love me anymore, do you want to leave me?"

"I don't want uncle to have a girlfriend. Uncle, you said that I am your only one, and I will be the only one in my life."

"Woo~~~~(>_<)~~~~ You lied to me, I'm not happy."

Covering his eyes with his hands and pretending to cry, in fact Xun Mi really wanted to cry, but he couldn't cry, his heart was tired.

But the jealousy in my heart is not lacking at all, who made my husband dare to let other women be his female companions, hum.

Fu Fanyan immediately understood what was going on, and quickly explained.

"That's my client today. After we finished talking, the other party invited me to a dinner party, so I went directly."

"Uncle Angela is very happy. Angela cares so much about Uncle. Uncle is really very happy."

Kissing the baby's face, Fu Fanyan's eyes and brows were filled with gentle smiles.

Xun Mi turned her face away in shyness, ah, it seems that she was jealous and fell in love with the wrong person, hmph, no matter, it's not her fault anyway.

Living together on No.90 for seven days, Xun Mi met the heroine Su Hanyu for the first time, but at this time Su Hanyu was just a 16-year-old baby who hadn't grown up yet.

It looks innocent, like a real child.

She followed Su's father to celebrate New Year's Day. Although the two were very interested in each other, they just looked at each other quietly and did not talk.

Living together with No.90 for eight days, Xun Miu sneaked out to play, but was caught by her husband.

As a result, he was fined to copy the book, and he still copied the Three Character Classic, that’s fine, the key is to copy it a hundred times, Xun Mi will just fall to the ground and can’t afford it.

"Uncle, uncle, my hand hurts, please don't write well."

After writing it once, Xun Mi climbed down from the table, ran to Fu Fanyan's side, hugged his thigh, and acted like a baby.

The corners of Fu Fanyan's lips curved slightly, looking down at the little baby, and meeting her raised blue eyes.

The tenderness and pampering inside make Xun Mi feel that he has seen the dawn of victory, and her husband will definitely agree with her not to write.

However. "Angela is not good this time, so she must accept the punishment well."

"Hey, I'll finish copying it a hundred times soon. After copying it, the uncle will take Angela to eat chicken curry."

Without resisting the temptation of delicious food, I ran back and continued copying.

After writing it eighteen times, looking for the pen, he lost it, quit, climbed directly on the table, put his hips on his hips, and cursed at his husband.

"Uncle, you are a bad person, you bully me, I want to protest!!!"

Fu Fanyan put away the book in his hand, walked to the table, hugged the little baby who was jumping and dancing, and put it firmly on the ground.

That careful movement made Xun Mi feel that her husband should forget about it this time.

However. "Angela, it's very wrong for you to act like this without considering your own safety, so copy it ten times."

After finishing speaking, he turned and went back to the bookshelf, picked up the book he had just put down, and continued to read.

Looking for Yu Sui, he lowered his head, walked around the table slowly, sat on the stool, and continued writing.

Read while writing, "Uncle is a villain, a villain who bullies me."

"But even if she is a villain, Angela still likes it very much (;′⌒`)."

After reading it several times, I found that my husband didn't respond at all, which is unscientific.

Shouldn't my husband be moved by me, and then he rushed over to hug me, and said in distress that we will not copy Angela?

Quietly raised her head and just met her husband's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, the search was all over, this time she settled down, and buried her head in hard copying.

110 times of the Three Character Classic, although not many, but for a 13-year-old and a very lazy searcher, it is really a lot.

Thoroughly learn how to look for it, and the next day it started to be a monster again.

Cohabitation No.90 for nine days, Xunmi felt that I did not sneak away yesterday, and was caught copying so many three-character scriptures.

If I didn't really sneak out once, I would be too sorry for myself.

So she carried the small bag again, took the two cards given by her husband, and carried out her plan of cheating.

It's a pity that there is such a saying that the Tao is one foot tall and the devil is one foot tall. Before he walked out of the gate, he bumped into the oncoming husband.

"Where are you going, Angela, um~~~" Fu Fanyan crossed his arms and smiled softly.

But in Xun Mi's eyes, a pair of black wings had spread behind her husband, so scary.

Standing at attention, poking fingers together, carefully wording: "Uncle, I...I just miss you, and I'm going to find you."

Hahaha. Husband, you definitely put a position on me, hum╭(╯^╰)╮otherwise how could you catch me so quickly.

The expected punishment did not come, but there was a piece of news that made Xun Mi even more distressed.

"Uncle knows that Angela wants to go out to play, and uncle is not unreasonable."

"As long as Angela can beat him, uncle will let Angela go out, okay?"

Then Xunmi started a sad life of waking up early for training and going to bed late for exercise every day.

It took more than three months for Xun Mi to turn his small body, which was full of soft meat, into lean meat.

After absorbing the power of soul transformation, Xun Mi abused the boxing champion her husband invited for eighteen times without saying a word.

Jumping out of the villa happily, she couldn't help laughing wildly with her hips on her hips. Unfortunately, she was only three seconds handsome, and she was carried back by her husband by the collar. This is really a sad story.

Since then, Xun Mi has had one more goal, to constantly rise up and kill her husband.

Ah bah, it's about defeating her husband and becoming a queen!

However, when she reached the end of her life, she still hadn't won against her husband, but she always lost willingly, just because that person was him.

(End of this chapter)

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