Chapter 627 It turns out that falling in love with someone is easy

【Why do people care about it? It’s because they haven’t met someone who can make them not care about it.

How to make yourself careless and learn to fall in love with someone.

————Singer Klum]

As the only crown prince of the royal family, I want power, wealth, and good looks.

It's not that I'm narcissistic, it's the truth.

Also because of this, there are many, many flowers and plants around me, and there are even more people rushing to curry favor with me and want to be my little brother.

But the more this is the case, the more I feel disdainful.

Perhaps it is really the kind of inferiority. Those who send it feel that it is too easy to get, there is no challenge, and they are not very interested.

So I keep changing between pure females and sub females, and if I feel better, I will date for a longer period of time.

I also know the evaluation of me outside, it is nothing more than scum, a bastard among men.

But I just can't resist this kind of unreasonable pleasure, as if it was arranged from the beginning, I can only follow this pattern.

That feeling is terrible, I want to break free, but often when this kind of thought just arises, it is all broken up.

It won't take long for this emotion to disappear completely.

I don't know what to say, but I feel very strange and inexplicable.

It was an accident to meet her. Originally, Xun Mi Jones was the one I liked the most, but unfortunately, I was not in good health, and it was difficult for me to do it.

After all, she looks like a fragile glass doll, and I'm afraid that if I strengthen a little bit, it will break directly.

So the appearance of Lola opened up a new path for me.

Although she is a subfemale, she smiles without any haze, as clean as a snow lotus.

This kind of her made me, who was used to seeing alluring sluts, gradually attracted, even more than I cared about looking for Jones.

But Nima, the turning point has come again. The glamorous and enchanting Annie makes me feel incredibly beautiful with ease, and I want to hold it in the palm of my hand.

At that time, she really said what she said, and she basically agreed to it no matter what the conditions were.

It's heartbreaking to say, because most of the time, I don't know why I do it.

I met Xun Mi Jones accidentally, and I was attracted to her again, and my obsession with Anne was much less.

The situation was the same after that, as long as I met Annie, I would become very, how should I put it, the kind of self-questioning.

And with Finding Jones or Lola Brenda and Anne, I'd unwittingly pay attention to Lola.

It was so weird that I wondered if I was in a daze, but fortunately, I was sober soon.

The snow lotus overwhelmed the angel and the seductive rose in my heart, and became a beautiful scenery blooming independently.

In fact, even at that time, I still did not understand what love is.

It can be said that only liking and pleasing to the eye, of course, I still know that I like Lola, otherwise how could I have been with her for more than a year.

On this day, when I ran into the angel in my heart in the corridor, she no longer smiled, and no gentleness could be seen in her eyes.

All of a sudden, I felt very confused and indescribably bewildered.

"Why did you make yourself like this?" I remember asking because I really didn't understand.

She seemed to be squinting at me, then raised her head, looked straight into my eyes, and said, "You don't understand."

With three simple words, but directly denying me, I will naturally not be happy.

"If you don't tell me, how can I understand? Maybe if you tell me, I will understand."

After all, she is the pure female I used to like very much. I still can't bear to see her become like this, as if there is only one shell.

How did she answer, oh, I remembered, after all, that was the only time she said so much to herself.

"You won't understand even if you say it, Your Highness Singer, a person who doesn't know what love is, and has never tried love, will never understand what it feels like between two people who love each other."

"I love him, he is missing, I am uneasy, no matter how careful I am to take care of myself, I will still ignore myself because of thinking of that person."

"For me, being able to fall in love with him and meet him in this life is the most meaningful thing in life."

After a pause, she looked at me with deep eyes, but the words behind her were meaningful.

"Your Highness Singer, you are actually just a coward, and your likes are not precious at all."

"The love you gave is nothing more than an ordinary thing that can be thrown away and taken back."

"Do you know why Lola is unwilling to go back to the capital with you? Not only because I want to stay here, but also because of you."

After she finished speaking, she walked away from me and didn't continue.

But I fell into a deep silence, because of me, why didn't you tell me directly?
I really wanted to question her back like this, but when I turned around, I realized that she had long since disappeared.

This question has also become a knot in my heart, and I am reminded of it all the time, and I can't forget it no matter what.

Every time I see Lola, I want to ask you why you don't want to go back to the capital with me, but seeing her smiling face, I can't ask.

The father kept sending orders to let them go back, but that person was still reluctant to leave.

I know she is waiting, waiting for that person with little hope to appear, but it has been almost three years, and she should be found even if she is alive.

Why do you have to be so foolish to believe that the other party is still there? Where did the confidence come from, and where did he come from being so firm and persistent.

Not long after, the man came back. After three years of disappearance, he came back.

They walked across the street, and Lola and I stood in the crowd, looking at the two with mixed emotions.

"Lola, may I ask why you don't want to go back to the capital with me?"

I finally couldn't hold back, and asked questions that have been piled up in my heart and haven't been answered yet.

But I didn't wait for Lola's answer, she just looked at me bitterly, then turned and left.

At that moment, the view of her back made me feel that my nose was sour and my heart was blocked, which was very uncomfortable.

This feeling is very strange, but it makes people breathless.

That night, I had insomnia, and after thinking about it all night, I finally understood that Xunmi Jones was right, because I don’t understand love, because I don’t have love, so I don’t know how to love.

But now I want to understand that liking does not mean love, but it means my heart wants to love.

I went to Lola and said to her, "Lola, I'm falling in love with you."

You have already approached my heart before I knew it, but I never thought about it, so I made myself confused.

If you, I can't fall in love, then no one can make me treat you differently, and I have already learned how to love you.

It was also at this time that I realized that since I confessed to her, my love has never appeared again.

I am very happy now, because there is a person who makes me miss so much that I can change myself.

(End of this chapter)

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