Chapter 922 End Game: The Hooligan God's Stopping Point 37.10
One Sword to the West: Hello Madam, madam please take photos, madam please look familiar, madam please take care of me, madam please love? (????ω????)?
Pure Love Little Sleeve: Hello Madam, I wish Madam and the leader a happy marriage for a hundred years, give birth to a precious son early, and send me a red envelope (*^__^*)
Benben: Master, madam, when will you get married, please help me.

Cloud Returning to the Sky: Little Rabbit, when will we get married? How about tomorrow?
Benben: Madam promise him, promise him.

Huaguduo: Promise, Promise, Promise.

Looking at the booing crowd, the corners of the eyes and the brows of Mi Mi's eyes are filled with joy.

Yimu Anbai: Marry whatever, I didn't ask for marriage.

Clouds do not know where to go: Sky.
Although Xun Mi really wants to answer, marry, marry, marry, but her current character design does not allow it, at least until the male partner is resolved.

When the guild channel was a bit embarrassing, the world channel was on again.

[World] Waiting for you to return to the voyage: Yungui Cangqiong, are you still a man, to bully a girl like this, and do it for no reason.

[World] Waiting for your return: I [King] and you [Hunter] will never die.

Zhan Yihang had just finished class, and when he returned to the dormitory, he received a message from Miao Tingting, and immediately became angry.

Miao Tingting, who was originally 90, dropped by more than 40 levels during the hundred times of being killed, and became an apprentice who just passed level 45.

After listening to the cause and effect, how could Zhan Yihang not be angry, Tingting did nothing and was treated like this.

Immediately find him, and decide to seek justice for the person he likes.

[World] Qingshui Tingting: We have formed a team together for so long, and we think that we have not done anything to be sorry for you, why are you treating me like this.

[World] Qingshui Tingting: Did someone tell you something, or you told me where I was wrong, and I will correct it.

[World] Qingshui Tingting: I'm really sad, come out, Sky, and answer me.

Qingshui Tingting's eyes were full of unwilling hatred. This was the first time she was tortured and killed by someone so frantically since she played games.

Although it's just a terminal game and operated manually, she completely assumed that the people in it were herself.

She has been tortured and killed so many times, how could she not feel it?
Powerless, helpless, and desperate, for half an hour, she lived and was killed at the resurrection point, and was killed again after living.

I wanted to forcibly log off, but the computer froze and couldn't move at all.

She watched helplessly as she was killed a hundred times. The swordsman in white had no expression on his face, holding a long sword in his hand, shining coldly in the sun.

Whenever the white light of the resurrection point flashes and falls on him, she sees the banishing fairy in a daze.

He was obviously spotless, and should stand tall in the Nine Heavens, but because of the murderous intent and bloody aura bursting out from those eyes, he was stained with darkness, and fell into the clouds from then on.

Even so, she only felt that that person was so difficult to touch, but it was inexplicably engraved deep in her heart.

After finally recovering, and the mage in her hand was slowly recovering, she went to Zhan Yihang.

The purpose is not to deal with the person who killed him just now, but to let him know that he is excellent.

As long as someone knows what happened to her, he will definitely choose to stand up for him.

Since Zhan Yihang defends her so much, she doesn't mind giving him something sweet tomorrow.

The world channel was originally discussing the recruitment of bodyguards for Yungui Cangqiong, but after you returned and Qingshui Tingting came out, everyone found the focus.

[World] Huo Lianhua: Speaking of the news of these people in the past two days, I just watched silently and waited for someone to come to popularize the science.

[World] Little Science Expert: How could I be missing from such an important scene, I went to visit the master Yungui when he was playing the trumpet.

What I learned was that as soon as God Yungui went online, he went directly to block Qingshui Tingting.

After killing her back to the resurrection point, she stayed there and killed her a hundred times before leaving.

The players around said that they had never seen such a cruel God Yungui, so I went to find out more about it myself.

Everyone must have known that Yungui Dashen and Qingshui Tingting were regular teams before yesterday, but the change occurred yesterday.

And yesterday happened to be the time when Yungui Great God Qingyuan appeared. Coincidentally, I found that at 25:[-] this morning, Yun Zhigui, that is, Yungui Great God Qingyuan, was killed and returned to the resurrection point.

Then the problem came, some people said that it was the gang members of [King Wang], because at that time, a member of [King Wang] appeared in the position of Yun Zhigui.

However, God Yungui murdered Qingshui Tingting. The reason for this is worth pondering.

[World] A woman like the wind: The young expert does a beautiful job, and this popular science is very powerful.

[World] May you be well: tsk tsk tsk. It's another annual love drama.

Xun Mi looked at the news that the world was constantly refreshing, and clicked on her husband's private message.

[Private message] Yun Zhigui: Brother Xing, that, I'm sorry, I seem to have caused you trouble.

[Private message] Yungui Cangqiong: Little Rabbit is out of touch with me now, I am your husband, and it is necessary to bring back the person who bullied you.

Xun Mi: "." Hehe, when will you be promoted to be my husband? To be honest, my dear, you can't be shameless like this.

[Private Message] Cloud Returning to the Sky: Little Rabbit?bunny?What about people, did they get taken away by me [touch chin]
Xunmi: "." Ask about how different races develop common topics.

[Private Message] Yun Gui Cangqiong: Are you shy?
While flirting with the little rabbit, Xing Yehan was very busy answering the questions in the gang.

Xun Mi felt that if she didn't say anything else, the other party would lose her integrity.

Although it seems that her husband has no morals, she thinks that maybe she can save it.

[Private message] Yun Zhigui: Thank you, Brother Xing, it's getting late, I'll go to class first.

As for the one that was only at noon, she chose to forget it because she had a deep resentment towards carrots.

Xing Yehan dumped the screenshots and her words sent by his little rabbit to a manager in the gang who specializes in operating forums.

It's time to tap and tap to let them know who is covering the bunny.

I just went to a meeting today, and when I came back and saw the news, I was completely blown away.

The little rabbit is so cute, but that woman is really vicious and cruel.

In his rage, he forgot to reply, and went directly to kill Qingshui Tingting to relieve his anger.

Then he was disturbed by what happened later, and he forgot about the important things.

Quickly clicked on Little Rabbit's private message, planning to tell her to be online at one o'clock in the afternoon, but...
With the gloomy profile picture and the latest sentence, Xing Yehan grimaced. Could it be that he is the only groom in the wedding ceremony in the afternoon?
This is such an abusive thing, little rabbit, come back soon, Er Kangshou/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
Hey, wait, he has the number of Little Rabbit.

The man who immediately grinned, secretly boarded the Xunmi number.

 [Dust Quotations:

  Dust: Thank you, little angels, for recommending tickets and monthly tickets, I love you all (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)
  Xun Mi and Loyal Dog: You are great, we love you too, keep it up mua~~~
  感谢亲爱的(メ尹ゝ陌颜づ×3)(╰☆wō哭了ジ誰會心疼☆╮)(水墨情深)(南城微凉?[北笙欢颜]×3)(墨痕未染泪痕一笺)(ぐBelieveInMyself×3)(夜未央い雪落成殇)(呆momo。蒾念.×4)(真觅ら妙芙)(靖华羽霖[羽amp;颖殇])小天使们的打赏,扑倒么么扎(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~]
(End of this chapter)

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