Chapter 1026 Nangong dead!
The soothing sound of the flute suddenly changed, like mountains and flowing water, suddenly sharp.

Makes one feel jittery...

Nangong Yi really panicked, what happened to this horse?Why did you go crazy all of a sudden?

Nangong Yi wanted to use his spiritual power to control the red-maned horse. After all, it was a horse that had almost stepped into the spirit beast class, but his spiritual power didn't work. Instead, it made the red-maned horse even more violent.

Then, Nangong Yi was thrown off the horse, and the violent red-maned horse raised its foot and stomped on Nangong Yi's chest.

Both legs of the red-maned horse trampled on Nangong Yi's body.

Nangong Yi spat out a mouthful of blood with a pop, and then...


"His Royal Highness!"

Baiqi reacted immediately, but was punched behind him and fell to the ground.

Chang Hua stepped on the white chess's shoulder blades, but his eyes were full of thrills, because this white chess was actually a cultivation of the Holy Spirit realm, and they had fought against each other several times, and he would lose!
His Royal Highness is dead.

The party members who followed him were quickly captured by the people of the Nine Dynasties.

The girl stopped playing, walked over slowly, kicked Nangong Yi on the ground, and she was indeed dead.

"Princess, what should we do now?"

"Corpse, take it away, I'm useful."

Hearing this, Chang Hua was dumbfounded, "Take away the corpse? The corpse of this kind of scum?"

Chang Hua thought that Ru Ge would take away the body and bury it.

But in fact, Ruge just wanted to use Prince Xuanyuan's body to frighten those minions who slaughtered the border city, and glanced at the shocked Chang Hua, and added: "If you think it's too troublesome to bring the body, you can cut off the head, I'm fine Opinion."

After the girl finished speaking, she stepped forward.

But after taking two steps, he seemed to remember something and turned back.

Chang Hua hadn't finished digesting what his master said just now, when he heard the girl's crisp voice: "By the way, where are we going north?"



Heart-piercing screams resounded in the woods, and several monsters tortured the seven people to such an extent that one person's arm was even bitten off by the monsters.

He stepped on it and hit his chest, then the monster seemed to be hungry, lowered its head, and bit off the man's neck.

As for the others, although they didn't die, they were covered in wounds, every good place.

There was blood on Wei Feng's face, but it was the blood of a monster. Not far away lay a monster with fangs, but it didn't die, it was just pierced through the thigh by Wei Feng!
But it was this behavior that completely angered the rest of the monsters.

He stared at the six people in front of him covetously, and rubbed his claws on the ground non-stop, digging out a big hole!

This howling sound means that they are about to attack!
Sure enough, in the next second an adult monster rushed over, aimed at Wei Feng and rushed over.

The long sword resisted the fangs that were about to bite his neck, and sparks came out!
Wei Feng gritted his teeth.

"Bastard, it's death!" Wei Feng burst out.

Wei Feng's shoulder was grabbed by the monster, and the long sword in his hand retreated. Suddenly, the monster opened its mouth wide and bit Wei Feng's head!

Everyone reacted in unison and exclaimed.


When the fangs were about to pierce Wei Feng's head, a cold light flashed over, and then the monster's abdomen was attacked.

Howling sounded, Xiaochen stepped on the belly of the monster, and Gong Nanyang stabbed the long sword into the belly of the monster with fangs.

Although she already knew that the little master's strength was stronger than them, because the little master came from a high-class continent, but she never expected to be so strong!
This is just a five-year-old child!
(End of this chapter)

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