Chapter 1276

A terrified sound was drowned out by many beasts, not only Xiao Yan's screams, but also those of the guards. Xiao Yan was protected by the personal guards in the middle, so she didn't suffer any injuries, but she saw... A monster rushed out of the cage with a claw, and then pierced through the man's body.

Before he even had time to resist, that person died unexpectedly!

"Protect Miss!"

In addition to the monsters and monsters locked in cages here, there are also some monsters locked by iron chains, and the iron chains are long enough, although not enough to bite other monsters, but several monsters are given by chains of the same length. Locked, just occupied this open space.

So the guard chose the monster with the lowest level, but several of them died just now!

Not far away is the gate, but it is locked by an iron gate. The iron gate is made of black iron, which is not a material that practitioners of their level can smash!

Xiao Yan swallowed her saliva, and now she was terrified to the extreme, suddenly a ling feng came from behind her, Xiao Yan pulled a guard in front without thinking, and threw it at the monster beast rushing towards him.


Before the man could even react, he was bitten by the monster beast's jaw that opened suddenly. Its long fangs pierced through the man's abdomen, and he only had time to let out a scream before he lost his breath and died with regret!

"You guys... hurry up and protect Miss Ben. If my father knows that I was injured under your protection, he will definitely not forgive you!" Xiao Yan pointed at these people. She is the eldest lady of the Xiao family. You have to protect her with your own life, otherwise what's the point of living? !

Seeing their companions thrown out mercilessly by Xiao Yan, those people's hearts turned cold. Originally, they wanted to protect the eldest lady even if they risked their own lives, but the eldest lady did not put their lives at all. In the eyes!

Their lives are worthless!

"Just now you could clearly remind Zhao San so that he wouldn't die, but you just threw Zhao San away..."

Hearing this sentence, the long whip in Xiao Yan's hand swiped at the person who spoke: "What are you, you dare to question this lady's actions!"

The five monsters stared at the seven people in the center, and then swept their huge claws across the ground, sparking fire, and then they all jumped into the air and rushed towards the seven people!


"There seems to be something wrong in the Colosseum." Outside the Colosseum, someone discovered the clues. The deafening animal roar seemed to be mixed with human screams?But isn't the Colosseum closed right now?How could there be human screams?

"What's wrong? You heard it wrong, I heard that there are five extremely ferocious monsters locked in the Colosseum! I don't know who will be able to tame them later.",

The person who heard the strange voice was quickly attracted by this question, and snorted: "Let's not talk about taming five, taming one is enough, okay?"


Su Ruge stared in the direction of the Colosseum for a moment, and glanced sideways at the man beside him. Just now, Jun Moyan seemed to have thrown Xiao Yan into the Colosseum?

So, the screams belonged to Xiao Yan and his group?
Thinking of this, Ruge frowned.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Jun Moyan raised his eyebrows slightly, seeing his daughter-in-law looking all the way to the direction of the Colosseum, raised his chin: "Xiao Ge'er thinks it's too bloody?"

(End of this chapter)

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