Chapter 468 His woman should be crazy and proud!
The surging Ling Feng stopped immediately.

Suddenly a green figure flew past from the direction of Panlongzhu, the speed was extremely fast, so fast that it seemed to be an illusion.

"I'll come as soon as I go!" Su Ruge tapped her toes and chased after her.

In the hall, there was a commotion.

In the quiet imperial garden, a group of guards rushed out of the palace quickly, "Grab her!"

That figure is exactly the sweet potato that came out of the palace!
The green clothes were stained black, which was the blood from the chest.

With a wrong body shape, he avoided the attack of the guards. Because of the attack, the stones on the rockery next to him fell down with a crash, and a huge stone smashed towards the sweet potato.

Hong Shao's complexion changed, and her whole body was stretched when she moved. Just when the stone hit her, a whip swung her.

The stone shattered into powder in mid-air.

"Seventh Princess!"

The headed guards were startled, they didn't expect Princess Seven to be with this assassin!

"Seventh princess, you help the assassin to assassinate the emperor, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world when you kill the king and father?" said the head of the guard. My own father!
Great rebellion, contrary to human relations!

"What does this girl want to do, when do I need your advice?" Su Ruge's eyes were cold, and he slammed down the whip directly. The guard was also in the Holy Spirit realm, and barely escaped the blow. .

The guards behind him rushed up quickly: "Catch the Seventh Princess!"

But before he had time to touch a piece of Su Ruge's clothes, he was blown away, and when he looked up, the people standing on the rockery made all the guards' expressions change, and they felt awed in their hearts: "National teacher."


Because they were not sure of beating Jun Moyan at all!

No, it's not that I'm not sure, it's not possible at all.
"Jun Yaoxie..." Seeing Jun Moyan who suddenly appeared, Su Ruge was stunned. This man...

Then, he said: "This gentleman will handle it here."

Hearing this, Su Ruge's heart warmed, he nodded, and then disappeared into the vast night.

When the guard saw that Su Ruge had also left, he became anxious.

The leading guard clutched his wounded chest, and said, "Master, do you really want to help the tyrant and become a minion for the tiger? The Seventh Princess is a serious crime!"

"I'm your favorite, how about it?"

Jun Moyan raised his eyes coldly, swept his sleeves, and a fiery red dragon burst out from the void. A group of guards were shocked, but it was too late to resist.

There was a surge in the chest, the body was torn apart, and he died instantly!

The man standing in the dark night is like a king who dominates the world, looking down on the world, no one dares to rebel!
"come out."

Jun Moyan looked at a rockery next to him, and after he finished speaking, Su Qinxia came out from behind the rockery.

His face was calm and calm: "My lord, please come and be safe."

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Because Xiaoqi, you won't kill Ben Gong." Su Qinxia raised her eyes lightly, without any fear in her eyes, as if he had never seen that scene just now.

"He is courageous." Su Qinxia can be said to be No.1 in the Eight Desolation Continent who dared to speak like this in front of him.

Jun Moyan's voice was extremely cold: "If this incident makes me hear something outside, you are ready to let the entire Zhaoyue Empire be buried with you."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

People in this world can be said to be the one who killed the king and committed treason, but they can't talk about his little songs.

Because he is distressed.

His woman should be crazy and proud!

The sky fell, and he made it up!

The ground sank, and he filled it up!


(End of this chapter)

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