Chapter 949 Fiji Medicine Hall
Hearing this, the doctor in the Fiji medicine hall was very angry.

"Venomiasis is not the only way to be infected. It may also be bitten by a poisonous animal, or it may be due to... poisoning?"

Just when Wang Mingshen was full of satisfaction, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

Turning his head to look, he saw a woman in fluttering green clothes coming out of the crowd. At first glance, a flash of surprise flashed in Wang Mingshen's eyes.

The appearance of the girl in Tsing Yi undoubtedly attracted everyone's attention. The next second, Wang Mingshen sarcastically said, "What this girl said is really a joke. How could poisonous disease be poisoning?"

"What if it's not poisonous disease?"

Wang Mingshen's expression froze at this calm and breezy sentence. What does this sentence mean?Could it be that this woman has seen something?
Absolutely impossible, this woman is only about [-] years old, and even the fourth-level doctor in the Rock's Medical Center can't tell whether it is poisonous disease or some kind of poison!

The grades of doctors are divided into seven grades, from one to seven!
And Wang Mingshen is not only a third-grade pharmacist, but also a sixth-level physician, and no one in the entire Fufeng Kingdom can compare with him!

When Wang Mingshen came back to his senses again, the girl in Tsing Yi had already walked in front of the young man. Wang Mingshen stepped forward subconsciously, and in the next second, a little man with a delicate appearance like a fairy boy stood in his way. before.

Although he was young, Wang Mingshen shivered unconsciously from the chill between his brows.

The young man was caught off guard, and the girl who came over had already made a move, clasped the old man's wrist with a leather whip, and released it in just a few seconds. The strong sense of oppression that just emerged made the young man's heart tremble, A sense of life being threatened.

But this woman did not take their lives.

Zhao Xiong backed away with the old man in his arms: "You... what are you doing! My father is already quite old, are you with the Fiji medicine hall, and you want to have a fight!"

As soon as this remark came out, a huge shit bowl was buckled up, and everyone onlookers reacted.

"Who are you, girl? This is too much, are you with the Fiji Pharmacy?"

"Unpredictable intentions!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Mingshen sarcastically said without hesitation, "I guess he is with the Fiji Medicine Hall. If you want to have a deadly fight, it's really a good trick."

Before Wang Mingshen finished speaking, Su Ruge's voice resounded loudly: "After poisoning, the skin will fester until fly maggots grow. If the treatment is not good, the muscle tissue of the whole body may be necrotic. It is skin necrosis and pus, if it is not treated in time, it will not spread, but directly penetrate into the heart veins and become paralyzed."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mingshen's pupils widened suddenly. This woman... how does this woman know so well about ghost poison and poisonous disease? Could it be that she is also a doctor?But even the Emperor Fufeng doesn't have such a person!
But what is the use of knowing the disease?Wang Mingshen sneered, "How do you know if it's ghost poison or poisonous disease?"

These two diseases, one is caused by infection or being injured by a ghost stabbing beast, and the other is caused by direct poisoning, but the difference is so small that even a fourth-level doctor can't tell it!
Therefore, Wang Mingshen couldn't believe that this girl who looked seventeen or eighteen years old could actually distinguish the subtle differences between these two diseases.

Just when Wang Mingshen was lucky, the whip wrapped around Zhao Xiong, forcing him to open his eyes, and in an instant, a pill was thrown into Zhao Xiong's mouth.

Zhao Xiong's pupils widened: "You...what did you do to me! Cough cough cough!"

But no matter how much he coughed, the pill could not be coughed out, because the pill had already flowed down his esophagus into the stomach, "Ugh!"

(End of this chapter)

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