Chapter 326 Invite Her to Drink Tea

Gently put An Zhiruo in the bathtub, unbuttoned her clothes, looked at her bony body, his heart clenched.

Hands clenched into fists.

Get up.

"Aunt Lan, take care of An Zhiruo, I'll go out for a while."

Aunt Lan looked at the time with a puzzled expression on her face, "At this time, master..."

Gu Yiye didn't listen to her at all, just took the car keys and walked away.

Aunt Lan immediately went upstairs, fearing that something might happen to An Zhiruo.

Gu Yiye drove away quickly, during which he dialed Yu Feng's phone number, "Notify Hei Yi, bring Anya to me."

Yu Feng was taken aback when he received this call, and asked with some uncertainty, "An...Miss Anya?"

"Yes! Invite her to tea."

Gu Yiye's breath has been stuffy for a long time.

Yu Feng's hand holding the phone shook, "Yes, yes."

Gu Yiye increased his yardage and quickly reached the destination.

At the same time, the school gate.

Anya stood at the door in despair for a long, long time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening, but Hao Ziyu was still nowhere to be seen. After what happened that night, he has been very indifferent to her.

Ask her out, take her out to dinner, but also take her to the dinner party.

Those disgusting eyes always shuttled back and forth on her body.

Even so, she still insisted that Hao Ziyu was just confused.

She believes that one day she will understand her sincerity, understand her, and not be angry with her anymore.

Under her expectant eyes, a commercial vehicle slowly stopped in front of her.

Yu Feng and Hei Yi got out of the car, Anya's heart froze for a moment, she turned around subconsciously and wanted to run, but she didn't want Hei Yi to block her in front of her very quickly, "Miss Anya."

"What do you want to do. This is a school, what you are doing is against the law!"

Anya yelled in fear, hoping to attract people's attention and make them give up.

She guessed what Gu Yiye knew, so she wanted to take revenge on her!

She can't sit still, she wants to find her sister...

Hei Yi twisted his neck impatiently, "What are you afraid of? A guilty conscience? Our Master Gu just invited you to drink tea. Please get in the car. Miss Anya."

Anya bit her lower lip tightly, looking at the imposing Hei Yi and Yu Feng, she hesitated, and finally got into the car.

He should not do anything to her.

After all, Gu Yiye still cared about her sister.

If my sister knew these things, she would definitely tear herself apart with him.

Thinking of this, Anya took a deep breath, pretending to be calm.

Anya had no idea where they were taking her.

The car moved forward slowly, and her heartbeat accelerated uneasy.

She wanted to contact An Zhiruo, but An Zhiruo was over there without a mobile phone at all, so she couldn't be contacted at all.

How to do?How to do?
She can only take one step at a time.

Yu Feng pushed the car door open, "Miss Anya, please."


Why would he ask her out at a bar?

What does he want to do?
Seeing that Anya was reluctant to go up the steps, Yu Feng urged, "Miss Anya, please. Don't dawdle any longer. You are wasting Master Gu's precious time."

Anya quickened her pace, and Yu Feng led her through the VIP passage to the front of the 999VIP presidential box. The door was ajar, and she saw Gu Yiye inside at a glance.

Like a noble king, sitting there quietly.

The moment she looked over, she met his gaze, subconsciously withdrew her gaze, and lowered her head.

Entering the box, a gust of cold air hits.

She hugged her body subconsciously, "Master Gu."


How could Anya dare to sit down, she was sensitively aware of the anger waiting to erupt hidden in Gu Yiye, which might burn her at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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