Chapter 1098 Crispy and Sweet
"I do know how to make sweet money and jam. I can leave it to you. But to make sweet money and jam, you have to find a market. Among the grocery stores in the town, only the Qian family has the best business."

When Mrs. Xie's eyes lit up when Ye Ran taught her how to make honey money and jam.

After hearing Ye Ran talk about the Qian's shop, and knowing that she was telling the truth, her flooded eyes gradually dimmed.

Could it be that this orchard really couldn't be kept in her hands?

Baoshan's father came back from the army, how should she explain?

Just as she was thinking about it, Ye Ran pushed her: "Have you ever thought that maybe the owner of the Qian's shop may offer a high price, and it's Uncle Baoshan who wants to earn some money from it?"

"I know this, otherwise, more than one person in the village told me how his blue-brick house was built.

The wife of the Xie family said: "If the price offered by Qian Dong's family is the same as in previous years, why does Uncle Baoshan keep the price of the fruit so low? I'm a woman and I don't want to show my face, otherwise I'd like to ask, this year's fruit harvester How come the price is so low?"

"That's not easy, you just find someone to help you ask."

Ye Ran smiled at her: "Master Lin of the Materia Medica is a chess friend with Qian's old club, and they have a very close friendship. You will go to the Herbal Medicine tomorrow to find him through a medical consultation, and ask him to ask the price of this year's fruit purchase. Help you connect with Mr. Qian's house, so you don't have to bother Uncle Baoshan with the fruit sale."

Mrs. Xie's eyes lit up, and she asked Ye Ran: "Is Shopkeeper Lin willing to help with this?"

"Just say that I asked you to find him. Am I still helping with the consultation in this herbal hall? This thing will definitely be done."

Yeran finished explaining, and then said to Mrs. Xie's family: "I really won't pay you for the fruit I picked today. I will write you how to make jam and candied fruit in a while. You have to do both. If the fruit is really unsalable Money, you pick it to make jam and candied fruit, and then you can sell it in our tea shop.”

"Raniang, you are really the benefactor of our mother and son..."

Because Xie's family only has female relatives, Yeran didn't let Bai Lian come to pick the fruit.

Chuntao is honest now, Yeran and Mrs. Xie picked the fruit while talking, she obediently helped pick the fruit, and did not talk nonsense.

Yue'er and Da'e are playful and can't stay idle.

When I first saw the orchard, I screamed and shouted excitedly, but after picking it for a while, I felt bored.

Seeing that Yue'er was not as happy as before, Baoshan hurriedly said: "Miss sister, there are green plums in it, take a bite, it is crispy and sweet, and there is a tree of late-ripening loquat, do you want to eat it?"

"Ah, there are also loquats to eat."

Xiaoyue'er's eyes sparkled, she pouted and asked Baoshan, "Is the green plum you mentioned really crispy and sweet?"

"Liar is a puppy, I will take you to pick it."

"Okay, go pick it."

Yue'er followed Baoshan to the depths of the fruit forest, and shouted to Da'e behind, "Da'e, come quickly!"

In other words, when Aunt Baoshan, who was washing clothes by the river, was rushing back with the starched clothes, she saw a carriage parked at Zhao Lingqian's door.

"Didn't you say you came to buy honey? Are you really here to buy plums?"

She gritted her teeth bitterly and muttered: "What a Xie Erzhuang, he even helped Zhao Ling lie to me. If he can't get a wife, he must have fallen in love with Zhao Ling, a flirtatious woman. I'll make him look good later."

(End of this chapter)

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