Chapter 1719
Although the vision is blurred, the leader still has his own judgment, but the little girl doesn't seem to be lying, and there is indeed such a maze, and it is because of this maze that their family is trapped here.

If they can figure out how this little girl got in, maybe they will have the possibility to get out, otherwise, within two generations, their eyes will completely degenerate and become blind.

Since the people who came were not from the Nie family, but also belonged to the family of mysterious doctors, if they could find an adult, they might be able to communicate with each other.

Thinking of this, the leader's face became a lot more pleasant.

Luo Yixuan naturally sensed the changes in this person. She didn't know which sentence made the other party relax her vigilance. She didn't know who the other party was or what relationship he had with the Nie family, so of course she dared not tell the truth.

But judging from the reaction of the other party, at least the relationship with the Nie family will not be too good, otherwise they will not know that they are intruders.

Luo Yixuan really wanted to find out the identities of these people, and always felt that this was a very important matter.

As for Luo Yiqian, her gaze would involuntarily fall on those pythons. She can't say she is afraid of snakes, but she definitely can't say she likes them, but I don't know why she has an inexplicable love for these snakes?kind?
It was a strange emotion that she couldn't explain herself.

"Sit down, you three children." The leader waved his hand, and someone immediately moved the chairs behind them, "I believe you are not from the Nie family, otherwise the boa constrictor has already been angry. Since we are not from the Nie family, we are not enemies. Fu Rentong is the leader of the village, you can call me Fu Lao."

Luo Yixuan blinked her eyes, and shouted sweetly: "Grandpa Fu, is there any grudge between Grandpa Fu and the Nie family? The Nie family is a big family!"

Fu Rentong pointed to his eyes, and said, "Since you are from a family of mysterious doctors, you can see that the degeneration of your eyes has something to do with the dark environment here."

Luo Yixuan was ashamed in her heart, she really didn't think about degradation... Wait, degradation, how long have these people been here?

She opened her mouth slightly.

"Can't Grandpa Fu leave here?" Luo Yixuan asked in surprise.

She was really surprised.

Fu Rentong shook his head, "We were trapped here by the Nie family. There is a maze on the outer layer of the strange building outside. We can't get out of that maze no matter what."

Weird building, do you mean a building?
In fact, even that building, they were only able to enter recently, the previous door was controlled by a method they had never seen before, and they couldn't open it even after trying their best.

Luo Yixuan quickly interpreted the unfamiliar method, because she had the impression that the doors were all electric doors, so it was no wonder they couldn't open them.

But why did the Nie family trap these people here, and obviously they were trapped here a long time ago.

But Luo Yixuan didn't know if she should ask this question, it might involve a big secret, otherwise the Nie family wouldn't be trapped.

In the end, Luo Yixuan didn't ask, and didn't ask for a while.

Luo Yixuan also talked a lot. From the first time she talked about her experience, she discovered that the people here have not been out for a long time, and they have no contact with the outside world at all.

Moreover, Luo Yixuan saw that they were very interested in the current medical family, seeing that they were no strangers to mysterious doctors, so she asked, "Is Grandpa Fu also a mysterious doctor?"

Fu Rentong chuckled, he seemed to like a girl like Luo Yixuan who could speak well.

(End of this chapter)

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