Chapter 620 Mu Sijin Is So Handsome 1
Yan Feifei was looking at a piece of jewelry, and was about to ask the waiter to take out the jewelry for her to try on, when a terrible scene appeared.

Mu Sijin hugged her suddenly for no reason, and before she could react, he squatted in a corner with her in his arms.

Yan Feifei was trapped in a corner by Mu Sijin, squatting on the ground, facing each other, hugging her with strong hands, so strong that no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't break free.

Yan Feifei's immediate reaction was of course to resist, and he cried out depressedly.

"Master Hao, what are you doing..."

Before Yan Feifei finished speaking, Mu Sijin covered Yan Feifei's mouth with his hand, and looked back vigilantly.

Although she didn't quite understand Mu Sijin's inexplicable behavior, what she knew about Mu Sijin was that he wasn't someone who just ate his own tofu, so there must be some factors that caused him to make such a move.

Following Mu Sijin's gaze, the boutique jewelry store suddenly became noisy. A group of people rushed in, wearing black masks and holding black pistols, shouting into the room.

Even if this group of people couldn't see their facial expressions, just from the fierce eyes, it could be seen that they were two strong men who were not easy to provoke.Coupled with the loud voice, when shouting, there is a vigor that is different from ordinary people.

They took guns and swept around, and the threat factor exploded.

"Take out all the most valuable things!" the robber roared.

The situation is clear at a glance, they were robbed, unfortunately, the jewelry in this jewelry store is one of the best in China, and all of them are very expensive.

The kidnapper who rushed in was obviously very experienced. The first thing he did after rushing in was to destroy the alarm system, and then pointed the gun at the salesperson.

There weren't many people who could come in and spend in the boutique jewelry store, and it was a storefront, so including the two of them, there were only four customers in total.

Yan Feifei was hid in a corner by the witty Mu Sijin in time, so the robbers didn't notice their existence.

But this is enough to scare Yan Feifei to death. She has never encountered a robbery since she was a child, let alone a life-and-death situation. The closest time to death was also the last time the brakes failed, but the situation was also under control. , not much damage.

This time, it was a robber who killed like hemp and could do anything.

Ruined!This is really the end!
Will you die?If I had known earlier, I would not have visited this jewelry store!

What bad luck.

Yan Feifei mourned for herself, Mu Sijin saw her fear, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her silently.

He opened his mouth, and told her with his mouth, everything has him, so there is no need to be afraid.

Yan Feifei smiled awkwardly, can he not be afraid?She's scared to death, okay?Her feet were shaking, and if she continued to shake, she was afraid she would go mad with epilepsy.

Mu Sijin smiled and pointed at herself.

With me here, don't be afraid!Wait for me to deal with them, you hide in the corner and don't move around.

Mu Sijin continued to talk to Yan Feifei with his lips, then patted her on the shoulder, and walked out squatting cats.

He moved very slowly, and every step of his foot was silent and cautious, lest the kidnappers would hear that there were two people hiding in the corner.

Mu Sijin's expression at this moment was also unprecedentedly cautious and serious, even his breathing became slow, and he didn't dare to breathe too much, for fear of disturbing the robbers who were only able to sweep the goods by the salesman.

(End of this chapter)

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