Chapter 827 Testing Qiu Yi 8
Qiu Yi's expression didn't change much, and he answered naturally.

"I studied in the imperial capital, so I have an imperial accent. I actually grew up in City H, and I went to a local ordinary high school. Given your status, even the high school you go to is a noble school."

"It is."

Orlando didn't inquire further until this point. If he continued to ask, it would arouse Qiu Yi's vigilance, and his topic had already turned to some of his wild life.

The two men chatted happily. Although there was a generation gap between the two of them in their teens, it didn't affect them.

Mu Sijin, who had disappeared for a while, came back, and ran over cheerfully, holding something in her arms.

"Add food, add food, Orlando, you can stew these!"

Orlando raised his head and looked over. From a distance, he saw the colorful objects in his arms. When he walked in, he turned out to be wild mushrooms.

Orlando was speechless immediately, pretending he didn't see anything, and continued to grill the third grilled fish. As for the first grilled fish was already in Yan Feifei's hands, he was feeding it to his daughter in small bites.

Qiu Yi glanced around at the mushroom in Mu Sijin's arms, pretending not to see it, and continued lighting Orlando.

Ji Xingli saw it, and immediately jumped over, looking at the mushroom in Mu Sijin's arms in surprise.

"Master Hao, do you have any enmity with us? You just don't want us to live in this world, so you made these mushrooms so that we can all be poisoned to death."

Ji Xingli's words immediately met Mu Sijin's scud.

"Well, well! How could I miss you to death, I'm giving you extra meals."

"Do you have such an extra meal? You just want to poison us. You must be jealous because of love. If you don't get Sister Feifei, you will poison Sister Feifei and her ex-husband. By the way, you will also poison the children." Death, and I am just an innocent passerby in your battle. Lord Hao, I beg you, let me go, and I will never tell the police that you poisoned everyone after I leave."

While dodging, Ji Xingli continued to complain about Mu Sijin.

The expression on Mu Sijin's face when he was told was very exciting, and Yan Feifei had already bent over laughing at the side.

Xiao Xiaodai didn't know what her mother was laughing at, but when her mother was laughing, she also laughed, first laughing, no matter what the reason was.

"You girl, speak well, I'm not going to poison everyone! Mushrooms are not poisonous!"

"How do you prove that it is not poisonous? Non-poisonous mushrooms will grow in various colors. Primary school textbooks tell us not to eat mushrooms in the wild."

"If you don't believe me, I'll try it for you."

As he said that, Mu Sijin was about to pick up a black mushroom full of dots, which looked even scarier than Snow White's poisonous mushroom.

Qiu Yi reached out and snatched Mu Sijin's mushroom, and severely criticized it.

"Mr. Mu, do you know that although this poisonous mushroom can't kill anyone, it will cause your face to fester, and you won't be able to go out to see people for at least two months. This is not bad, the blue mushroom in your arms, You will not lift after eating, and there is still no cure for it.”

"Do you still want to eat, Mr. Mu?"

Qiu Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he was asking, do you want to eat or not.

But Mu Sijin was frightened to death, and immediately threw away all the mushrooms in his arms, touched his handsome face, and looked at his lower body, to make sure that the tragic thing hadn't happened again.

(End of this chapter)

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