Chapter 1021
Tired after standing for a long time, she sat on the chair he had prepared, "Thank you, Che." If he didn't show up, the girl who looked at the dumbfounded girl at the door must have come to the kitchen to get something, and she was too sleepy, pointing If she is not allowed, she will be discovered by the people in the Lu residence.

Moreover, the time has passed for the medicine to be ready. If he doesn't show up, the medicine will be burnt.

"It's still between you and me, why do you need to say thank you." His eyes were as warm as jade, "Come on, drink the medicine first."

She opened her lips and drank the medicine he fed to her mouth, took the medicine bowl and spoon in his hand, "I'll drink it myself." Being fed by a male ghost, even though he looks so pleasing to the eye, he is still a man .

After all, she is Jun Moshang's person, so it's better to keep some distance.

In fact, Murong Che really wanted to feed her medicine and take care of her. Seeing her drink the medicine he fed, he looked at her stunning face with a cold and expressionless face.

He just couldn't help liking and admiring it.

A wish quietly rose in his heart, it would be great if he could take care of her for the rest of his life like this, but unfortunately, he is just a ghost without entity.

For daylight to appear, there must be no sunlight at all.

When there is no sunshine, for him, a ghost, it is a blessing in heaven.

Understanding her scruples, he handed her the medicine bowl and spoon, and watched her finish the medicine peacefully.

See her frowning like a bitter gourd.

There was a pleasant smile on the corner of his lips. In his eyes, she was not afraid of heaven and earth, and she was too smart.Actually...afraid of drinking bitter medicine.

Also a little distressed.He knew that he would add some honey to the medicine, but he didn't know medical theory, and he didn't know whether adding honey would change the effect of the medicine.It's better not to add it.

After she finished drinking the medicine, he took the initiative to take the bowl and spoon.

Her hand accidentally touched his slender five fingers, it was like solid air, she frowned, "Your hand is too cold, it's as cold as ice." If he wasn't injured, his temperature was just like Like the wind.Now it looks like solid ice.

She stood up and stared at his picturesque eyebrows. His face was very pale. Upon closer inspection, it was obvious that serious injuries had not healed.

Yes, he almost disappeared in the early morning, how could his injury not be serious?

It's just that she didn't look closely and didn't care about him that much.

She had no experience in dealing with ghosts, and it was the first time she met such an easy-going male ghost.

It is inevitable that he did not think well and ignored his injury.

She raised her hand to touch his cold face, and then touched his body. She felt that this act was a bit insulting to him.He is like an immortal in the sky, who can only be seen from afar, but is beyond reach.

Feeling being touched by her, he was stiff and motionless. She blushed, not purely eating his tofu, but just wanting to confirm his injury...

It's a pity that she can treat people, but she can't treat ghosts.

The ghost didn't even have a pulse or a body, so she couldn't do anything even if she saw that he was seriously injured.

Her delicate eyebrows were clenched together, "Che, you need to heal your injuries well. Take care of yourself first."

"I have a measure." Nothing is more important than her safety.As for himself, it was thanks to her that his soul did not dissipate, and recuperating from his wounds was not as good as hers.

He shook his fingers, and he wanted to hold her hand to see if the wound on her finger she had scratched for him was any better.

But he didn't want to offend her.

Qingyue's eyes fell on her index finger wrapped with a cable tie, he took a closer look, and then looked at her pale face, his eyes were full of concern, "Yun, your complexion is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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