Chapter 1027 Che kissed her

It is said that he had a sweetheart during his lifetime, but he had no heirs.

If he really had a sweetheart, he would never have imagined that the ghost after death fell in love with Feng Jingyun.

In general, Yun has a baby, and even though he lost the baby and it wasn't his, he is still very happy.

He didn't even dare to... dream about having something to do with her.

Really tired, Feng Jingyun was so sleepy, seeing Murong Che's clear eyes, she said worriedly, "You don't want to see Jun Youqi, and don't be found by him. He's the kind of person who even says Even if he loves me, he can hurt me like this. As for a friend... he can definitely... lose his conscience."

"I've also thought of this possibility." He said, "I'll take it to heart." But I really don't want Jun Youqi to kill him, because he has a feeling in the dark that he must have been Jun Youqi when he was alive. Qi is best friend.

"That's good." She closed her eyes.

There was the sound of even breathing, and he looked over with peaceful eyes, she fell asleep so quickly, she must be really tired.

Her long eyelashes fluttered slightly like butterfly wings, and her red lips under her straight nose bridge were not as rosy as usual, probably because of poisoning, her entire complexion was pale, making her look extraordinarily weak and excited. His peaceful heart is full of protection.

Transparent and slender fingers caressed her black waterfall-like hair on the pillow. Her hair was so soft and delicate, smoother than the best silk and satin.

When she was asleep, she was not as cold as usual, and she didn't have that sense of alienation that keeps people thousands of miles away. On the contrary, she made him want to get close.

The more I look at her, the more attractive I feel.

His heart pounded.

The atrium, which was as quiet as clear water, unexpectedly beat suddenly.

Staring at her beautiful sleeping face, he bent down unknowingly, wanting to kiss her tender lips, when he wanted to stick her lips, there was only a piece of thin paper away, and he could feel her warm breath Sprayed between his nose and lips, the faint warmth brought him back to his senses.

He sat up straight in shame, raised his hand to caress his chest and heart,

His heart was beating very fast, but it was a pity that he was incorporeal, and his heart was beating, but there was no sound that the atrium should have.

The rain outside the window was pattering down, and the sky was completely dark before evening.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he couldn't help reaching out his hand to touch her fair and flawless face, but finally froze his hand again, got up and floated to the window, trying to stay away from her.

Yin and yang are mutual generation and mutual restraint, ghosts belong to yin things, and when yang is heavy, ghosts retreat.

She was injured and her yang energy was weak. If he stayed close to her for a long time, the ghost's yin energy would be too heavy.It will make her aura flourish and yang decline, ranging from bad luck to entanglement, to lingering sickness, and even death...

If it was for her good, he should leave.

But he just had too much nostalgia and admiration for her, and he didn't want to leave.

Of course, even if she leaves, it's not now, it won't be when she gets hurt.As long as she needs him, he is conscious and will protect her.

Even if she was in good health, he still wouldn't leave knowing that staying would harm her.

Call him thick-skinned.

He really just wanted to guard her silently.

No matter what his identity was before he was alive, he is now a ghost with nothing, even his memory, there are only two thin fragments.And he wants nothing, she...

is his everything.

Transparent ghosts float by the window, and long transparent ghosts wait quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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