Chapter 1246 Out of Control
Originally, it should be taken immediately after one refinement, but the original formula of Dahuandan took ten years to refine, and it took her less than ten days.

She was afraid that there would be errors and omissions in the improvement of the formula, and she thought about refining it into medicine. In the current situation, there is no way to refine it.

She is only 70.00% sure of the efficacy of the medicine.

And she never did anything unsure.

Well, it's a gamble.

I hope that the Dahuan Pill she has refined in such a short time can have exactly the same potency as the medicine that took ten years to refine from the original formula of the Wan Gu Sect.

In that case, Jun Moshang still has a chance.

Opening Jun Moshang's mouth, she stuffed all three medicines into his mouth at once, and the dull pain in her stomach reminded her that the baby in her belly also needed a medicine.

With a cruel heart, she took another medicine from his mouth and swallowed it by herself.

Normally, she wouldn't even think about disgusting the medicine that got into someone's mouth. Facing the man she loves most, a man who loves her with all her life, she doesn't feel dirty at all.

He's unconscious, maybe already...

He couldn't swallow.

She went to the wall of the cave entrance and grabbed a handful of clean-looking snow and put it into her mouth. She also held a ball of snowballs in her hand, then walked back to his side, turned him over slightly, and turned him on his back. Lie on the bed so that he would not be able to swallow the medicine with his face on the ground.

Turning his body, why doesn't he feel pain?
She wanted to cry again.Put the bag of medicine powder that he took out from his body earlier, together with the last three remaining Qianlian Life-Extending Pills, into his mouth.

According to the efficacy of the medicine, the combination of Dahuandan, Yaofen, and Qianlianxumingdan formed a new antidote, which had a half probability of being able to cure the poison quenched on his arrow.

There are no other medicinal materials, and the most urgent thing is to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!
She leaned over to put her lips to his mouth, passed the melted snow water in her mouth into his mouth with her tongue, while shaking his jaw with her hands, forcing him to swallow unconsciously took the medicine in the mouth.

The melted snow in her mouth was not enough for him to swallow completely, so she melted the snowball in her hand and continued to cross the water for him...

Until he finished swallowing the medicine in his mouth, she still didn't leave his lips.

Kissing his cold, temperatureless lips made her heart ache like a corpse.

In the past, no matter how cold, icy, or temperatureless his lips were, he was still a living person.

She wondered if he was dead or not.

Judging from the superficial signs, there was no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse...he was dead.

The truth told her that he was dead.

What she tried so hard to save just now was nothing more than a corpse, a corpse!

She was unwilling to give up, tears rolled down from her bright eyes, onto his face, onto his cold left cheek mask...

She has already done all the ways to save him, why hasn't he woke up yet?

She will never admit that he is dead, never admit it!
"Jun Moshang, you must live!" She cried hoarsely, "How about you live! I need you, my baby and I love you, and my baby loves you too! Did you hear that!"

She grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and her nails dug into his flesh fiercely. She was going crazy, she was going out of control!

How much I want to shake him, wake him up, but I am afraid that if I shake his body, he will hurt.

"Ah..." She was so sad, she groaned, covered her belly with her hands, and fell to the ground, oh my god, her stomach hurts...

(End of this chapter)

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