Chapter 1251
After calculating the distance, she slammed her foot against the cave wall. When the snake wrapped around her rubbed across the ground with strong force, it happened to rub next to the slender blade. The blade, with a meandering wrist, slashed vigorously towards the body of the snake that bound her.

In an instant, the giant python that was holding her and Jun Moshang was cut in two, and slipped from her and Jun Moshang's body. The snake's body that was broken in two was in great pain, and it bounced and flung violently on the ground, turning the cave wall into ashes. Yang Shifei.

She was not interested in watching how the severed python struggled to death. The cave was so small, and the snake slammed in pain before it died, taking up too much space, making the cave appear even narrower.

As soon as he took off the restraint, Feng Jingyun casually shot out the slender hidden weapon in his hand, which looked like a razor blade, and accurately cut off the snake's head of the giant python.

This time, the severed body of the giant python didn't bounce around on the ground, but meandered, twisted and twisted on the ground, struggling to die...

Feng Jingyun crouched on Jun Moshang who was lying on the ground, "It surprised you. It's my fault. I was too tired and impatient, so I didn't check whether there were other dangerous animals in the cave. If I lose consciousness and you guard me, you will not surprise me..."

Holding his cold, temperatureless body, her tears fell again, and he was still awake...

he really...

" won't die." She hugged him in pain, heartbroken, "Jun Moshang, do you know? I can't live without you. I, Feng Jingyun, can't lose you... can't ..."

Tears were like broken beads, and she murmured miserably, "Am I deceiving myself? You really won't wake up again... If I had known this, it would be much better if we fell down together and died directly. It's more painful than facing your death. I still can't live alone after you die. And our baby..."

She rubbed her stomach, "I don't know if our baby will be... special, after all, with your poisonous physique, you can't have a child, so as not to have problems with the child. Even if I improve your physique, we are [-]% sure that we will be born." My baby is normal, and there is still [-]% that cannot be guaranteed. Jun Moshang, with you, I can face any problem. Without you... I have lost the confidence to live. "

Glancing at the burnt and extinguished fire, she was only wearing her bellyband, and felt very cold for a moment, "I thought the baby was born, but no matter what, we love him/her well. Now, it may be a problem baby. Well, keep the baby in the world, as you said, don't let the baby suffer. Without us, if there is something wrong with the baby, he/she can't survive. I feel so cold, within a few hours, I will freeze to death Right. This time, I really gave up. Don't go too far on Huangquan Road, wait for me. I'll come..."

She hugged his waist, her small face pressed against his chest.

Tears also trickled down his flat chest.

Suddenly, she widened her eyes.


He has a heartbeat?

She was so nervous that she almost suffocated, she sat up immediately, opened his right eyelid with her thumb and forefinger to have a look, and took his pulse carefully, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he still had a pulse, an extremely weak heartbeat and pulse!

Regardless of whether he is weak or weak, if he has a heartbeat and pulse, he is a living person, he is alive!

To be precise, it is impossible for a truly dead person to be resurrected,

(End of this chapter)

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