Chapter 14
The slender plain hand pointed to a bird that was flying on the branch not far away, "Even the bird is scared away by your ugly appearance! You said you are not called Fengjingniao, what is your name Fengjingyun? Fengjing Do you deserve such a nice name like Yun! From now on, I will change your name to Jingniao... oh should be called Scaring Bird."

"Hehehe..." The five servants behind Feng Baoer secretly laughed.

Fei Cui murmured, "Miss San, my lady's name was given by the lady's grandfather, and you are not allowed to change it at will. Besides, you...your mother is also the concubine of the marquis, and are also a concubine..." said After saying this, he closed his eyes and prepared to be beaten.

"Bitch!" Feng Bao'er snarled, and raised her hand, wanting to slap Jade's ear, but Feng Jingyun grabbed her wrist, not only could she not drop her slap, but it was painfully pinched, "Feng Jingyun, How dare you grab my hand, you disgusting woman? You have the guts of a bear! You stink to death! Stay away from me!" She wanted to hit her, but she couldn't be hit when she was caught. She wanted to pull her hand back, but Not enough strength.Wondering where did Feng Jingyun get so much strength?
Fei Cui opened her eyes when she heard the words, and tugged at Feng Jingyun's sleeves in surprise and fear, "Miss... please let go of Miss San, you are not her match, you are a slave, let Miss San go out with you!" Get angry, and the matter will pass..."

"Things are not so easy to pass." Feng Bao'er snorted coldly, "Feng Jingyun dares to stop me even if I want to hit a servant, she is beyond her capabilities! It is clearly begging for beating!"

"Third sister seems to like beating people very much?" Feng Jingyun ignored Fei Cui's pleading, and said with a smile, "If you can beat people, then go for it." With a clever move, Feng Baoer's wrist bone was broken.

"Ah!" Feng Bao'er let out a sharp scream, " wrist is broken!" She glared angrily at the servant next to her, "Why are you still standing there! Why don't you give Feng Jingyun to me? I'll catch her! I'll kill her! I'll kill her! I'll cut off her hands!"

"Yes, Miss San!" The five servants rushed over together.

Fei Cui got used to being submissive, she didn't dare to run away, afraid of worse consequences, she hurriedly hugged Feng Jingyun tightly, wanting to get some fists for her.Feng Jingyun held Fei Cui's waist with one hand, and led her to spin around. Fei Cui's foot just kicked two servants in the face, and a stone was shot from her hand, hitting the calf of one of the servants. He fell to the ground and knocked another servant over.Only the last servant was left impulsively, Feng Jingyun seemed to be hiding with Jade, but with a strong elbow, the servant broke three ribs and fell to the ground crying.

The other four servants who had suffered a disadvantage didn’t know why, so they surrounded Feng Jingyun’s master and servant again, but no matter how they beat them, they couldn’t hit each other. , all noses and faces were swollen, and several bones were broken.

Originally there were so few servants who didn't know martial arts, even if Feng Jingyun was hugged by the emerald girl protecting the lord, which restricted her movement a bit, she could still settle them with one move.Deliberately letting them fight themselves in a mess is just because they don't want to expose their strength prematurely.Exposed too quickly, it's not so much fun.

Feng Bao'er watched anxiously, "You trash, why can't you even hit Feng Jingyun! Ouch... hand hurts so much!" Those who have never suffered Miss Qianjin, her wrist broke in an instant, and she fainted from the pain not long after she supported it. When she fell to the ground, dust was stirred up all over the floor.

(End of this chapter)

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