Chapter 934 Yuwen Xingyao is not dead
A black figure walked through a forest so dense that even the sun could not see through it, and stopped behind a bush taller than a person beside the mountain wall.

A thick stone gate between the mountain walls slowly opened.The two men in black guarding the door bowed their heads respectfully, "Master."

The black figure flew past in the dark passage as quickly as if passing by, and entered the stone gate at the end of a branch in the dark passage.

It was a spacious hall carved out of a deep mountain.

The wall is still the original stone style, and the huge sarcophagus is horizontal in the center of the hall.

The eyes of the man in black fell on a long row of stone couches by the wall.Dead bodies were lying neatly on the couch.

The corpses were all drying up, each one getting drier.

Looking at the clothes, they were all women when they were alive.

As usual, Yuanzi, who had been waiting by the sarcophagus, saw the man in black and bowed respectfully, "Master."

The man in black winked.

Yuanzi walked to the corner knowingly, patted the woman sleeping in the corner, "Wake up..."

The woman was still in a drowsy sleep.

Sonoko had no choice but to pat her on the cheek more vigorously, "Wake up quickly..."

Yuwen Xingyao opened her heavy eyelids, saw Yuanzi in front of her, and was overjoyed, "Yuanzi, it's you! That's great!" Finally, she met an acquaintance.

That night, she had a lingering night of love with her cousin Qi Wang, who begged her several times.She was very happy to finally become her cousin's woman.

Early the next morning, before her cousin woke up, she took the initiative to kneel under the bed and plead guilty.

He clearly remembered that his cousin took her body when he was forced to do so, and when he woke up, he was so angry that he wanted to kill her.

She kept crying and never begged for mercy.

Then, she heard her cousin say something unbelievable, and the last thing she saw was his cold expression.

Those eyes were like looking at a dead person.

After that, she fell unconscious and was kept in an unknown house, where she was served with delicious food and drink.

The house was not big, and there were two servants waiting for her.

The servant said that she was not allowed to go anywhere according to her superiors.

Therefore, she stayed in that house very peacefully.She felt that the upper part of the servant's mouth was referring to her cousin.She is looking forward to it every day, from dawn to noon, and then to sunset.

Every day, so repeatedly waiting.

She believed that since her cousin sent servants to serve her and treated her well with food, she felt that her cousin had her in his heart.

Every day, she was waiting for her cousin to come and take care of her.

Unfortunately, time and time again, I am disappointed day by day.

Every half a month or so, Sonoko would draw an indescribable pattern on her forehead.

Kind of like a spell.

Then, Hui cut her wrist with a knife, cut a bowl of blood, and left again.

She asked Yuanzi when her cousin would come to see her.Yuanzi never said much, she wanted to know how her family was doing, no one would say a word to her.

She felt that she was like a bird in a cage, lost her freedom.

Will die anytime...

Sonoko keeps coming to get her blood, and that inexplicable spell.It made her feel uneasy, and always felt fear, but she couldn't explain why.

This time, Yuanzi hadn't taken her blood for more than a month, and she thought she would never ask for her blood again.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up, he appeared in a ghostly place.

She was frightened unconscious by the coffin, and almost died of fright by the row of corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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