Chapter 548 The little mirror is too domineering!

This is all to say that you are not joking, and Qin Shutong really does not look like a liar, but Han Jing can basically infer that Han Litong is probably her mother. Since Qin Shutong thinks she looks like Han Litong, then no It's like her own mother killed his own father, he really came to seek revenge on her?
"Pfft——" Lan Ling couldn't help laughing out loud, and said to Han Jing, "I said, little mirror, your worries are so reasonable, you finally believe now that you and Han Litong are inseparable Does it matter?"

Han Jing gave him a cool look.

Lan Ling waved his hands and said: "But don't worry, Qin Shutong will not seek revenge on you. I have already inquired about the past for you. I heard that during the years when Concubine Li was in the Eastern Qin Kingdom, Yanjing City was in chaos. It was a pot of porridge, and the city of Yanjing gradually settled down after Concubine Li poisoned the Emperor and left. Do you think that if Concubine Li hadn’t poisoned the Emperor, would Uncle Qin have a chance to become emperor? It's too late for Xie Han and Litong, let alone killing his father and enemy! So I said, he may be sincerely trying to help!"

cold mirror...

Anyway, as long as you don't have evil intentions.

However, even if he has evil intentions, Han Jing is not afraid of him.Although the rules in the world of spiritual cultivation do not allow the emperor to be touched, at least Qin Shutong can't hurt her either.

Besides, Qin Shutong is just suspicious, and he is not sure that she really has something to do with Han Litong.

"Hey, little mirror, I'm really curious about what happened back then. I really don't understand why you were thrown away? I heard that Concubine Li was about to give birth when she left Yanjing City. , could it be that she gave birth to you and threw you on the way because she saw you were too ugly?" Lan Ling was gossiping, worrying that Han Jing would beat him up, so she hurriedly pulled An Chuxue aside as a shield: " An An, don't you think so?"

An Chuxue's face was dark, but her voice was a little guilty: "Could there be such a cruel mother?"

But in fact, she has seen many such cruel mothers. She grew up in a hospital. Her mother is the director of obstetrics and gynecology. She has heard many things about abandoned babies since she was a child.Some couldn’t afford it, some were born out of wedlock and didn’t want to raise it, some didn’t like it when it was a girl, and most of them were born with disabilities, so they were just thrown in the hospital. It’s completely irresponsible, she sees it a lot It doesn't feel fresh anymore.

So it's really possible that when Han Litong gave birth to Han Jing, she saw the birthmark on her face and thought it was too ugly, and because she was fleeing, she just threw her away... This is entirely possible.

Han Jing looked at the gossipy faces of the two people, and snorted softly: "So I'm not curious about what's going on at all! Is it just to prove that I was thrown out? Boring!"

Lan Ling and An Chuxue looked at each other, then turned to look at Han Jing, and asked in unison: "Then what about your own father? Are you not curious?"

If it were someone else, such a sensitive topic of life experience would definitely be a bit sad, but... Both An Chuxue and Lan Ling asked such a sensitive question without the burden, because they said that Potian might be cold I didn't feel it at all, and it might be the glass hearts of the two of them that may be sad in the end.

In summary, the little mirror is too domineering!

(End of this chapter)

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