Chapter 1376 Gratitude to Parents for Their Dedication

Chapter 1449

"Then go quickly, the supply and marketing cooperative closes at seven o'clock." Aunt Wang said.

Ruan Qiuyue looked at the time and saw that it was already 06:30, and she didn't dare to delay any longer, so she hurried to the supply and marketing cooperative with her son.

When she arrived at the place, Ruan Qiuyue found that she still needed food and oil stamps to buy cooking oil here, and she had to store the grain and oil stamps from her old home in her space, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

In the past two years, due to the reform and opening up, the supply has increased, and this kind of bills has basically been cancelled.

However, in such remote places, due to the shortage of supply, some specific commodities still need to be purchased with a ticket.

After choosing the condiments, Ruan Qiuyue bought some cooked food like bacon, and put them in the bag. She carried some and asked Rhubarb to help her bite some, and hurried home.
"Why have you been here for so long?!" Lin Hongrui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them coming back, and hurried up to meet them, and lifted the thing in Rhubarb's mouth,
"I almost thought that something happened to you, and I was going to bring Xiao Hei to find you."

"I met some neighbors on the road, and I was delayed in talking." Ruan Qiuyue saw smoke coming from the chimney, "What are you burning? I bought some bacon and came back."

"First boil some hot water." Lin Hongrui said.

"Father, we met a crazy old man." Xiao Baozi seldom took the initiative to share his knowledge, mainly because he was surprised this time, so he had a special desire to share.

"Crazy old man?" Lin Hongrui frowned, "Ask Uncle Daqing if he knows you?"

"Yeah." The little bun immediately ran into the house to look for Li Daqing.

"Here, I feel like I'm back in my hometown. I need tickets to buy things, and I almost can't buy them." Ruan Qiuyue whispered to Lin Hongrui, "Fortunately, I kept some old tickets."

"When I finish the report, these tickets will be issued." Lin Hongrui smiled, "The main reason is that there is no refrigerator at home, and there is no way to refrigerate it. Buy as much as you want."

"Let's talk about this." Ruan Qiuyue said, "The toilets are built by themselves. Compared with the refrigerator, I want a pressurized well that is easy to pump water. The big water tank is too high, and the children can't scoop water by themselves. It's not good. convenient."

"It seems that we need to get a convenient big wooden barrel." Lin Hongrui looked at her apologetically, "Daughter-in-law, I will make you suffer again."

"What kind of suffering is this?" Ruan Qiuyue smiled and raised her hand to thump him lightly, "Stop talking sour words, go cook, I'm starving to death."

"Okay, go now." Lin Hongrui kissed her on the face.
Using the existing ingredients, Lin Hongrui put a lot of thought into it, made extraordinary efforts, and made five dishes and one soup, which smelled super delicious.

"Dinner is ready!" Ruan Qiuyue brought the last dish and announced with a smile,

"Although it's a bit shabby, this is the first meal we have in our new house, so it's still worth remembering. Let's have some wine and drinks to celebrate."

"Yeah! I can finally eat!" Tuanzi clapped his hands, "Thank you, Dad, Mom, and Grandma, for your hard work."

Doubao and Xiaobaozi also applauded and said thank you.

"Woof woof!!" Little Black Rhubarb echoed.

"..." Li Daqing looked at this scene and asked with some amusement, "Do you do this every day? Having a meal is like a celebration."

"Just get used to it." Qin Tianhao shrugged helplessly, "My sister-in-law said that children should be grateful for their parents' efforts, so say thank you before meals."

(End of this chapter)

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