Chapter 688
Chapter 731


"Leader, just intercepted a secret telegram, which was sent from us to Taiwan City on the other side." The telegrapher hurriedly knocked on the door and entered, and put the materials in front of Lu Zhanxiao.

The military intelligence bureau of the enemy army on the other side has never given up spying on the military secrets here. Of course, espionage activities are not as rampant as before, but they have never disappeared.

Some sporadic counter-revolutionary organizations, although they didn't make any big troubles, always wanted to blow up some sparks and create chaos.

Lu Zhanxiao brought the telegram over and didn't open it immediately, but said, "Call Deputy Cui over."

The telegraph operator immediately turned around and hurried to call someone.

Lu Zhanxiao took out the telegram, watching the information on it, his brows slowly relaxed from frowning, and the fish finally began to bite.

"Report!" At this time, Cui Jiaguo knocked on the door, and Lu Zhanxiao let him in, handed him the telegram, and arranged for him the next action plan, "After I leave, you can watch the situation here."

"You use your body as bait, it's too dangerous! This is not more than ten years ago, you don't need to be so risky, but there are some leftover shrimps left, as long as we lay in ambush, arresting them is easy..." Cui Jiaguo frowned, disagreeing his approach.

"Having been lurking for so long, you are no ordinary little fish." Lu Zhanxiao sneered,

"So many of them have died in my hands. What they want is my life. No one will find me as a bait. They can't help but do nothing, and they just caught them all in one go!"

"However, as long as we catch one and interrogate it slowly, we can always pull it out. Why are you so anxious to get rid of it all!" Cui Jiaguo frowned, persuading him from another direction,
"Think about it, you just found Hong Rui, if he knew you..."

Lu Zhanxiao raised his hand and interrupted him, "I can get rid of these people, and I can recognize him with peace of mind."

Hearing this, Cui Jiaguo suddenly wondered why Lu Zhanxiao was in such a hurry, but this made him even more impatient.
"Hongrui is so sensible and filial, and he doesn't care whether to make the relationship public, so why are you in a hurry! You solved these people, and the Guo family! They won't be happy for you to divorce your wife..."

"Things have to be resolved one by one." Lu Zhanxiao waved his hand, indicating that he had made up his mind, "Go and prepare. I will leave in five days."

Cui Jiaguo sighed secretly, saluted him, and took the order to leave.

After Cui Jiaguo left, Lu Zhanxiao took out the silver flake and rubbed it carefully in his hand. This is a habit he has developed for many years. When he is not calm, he likes to hold it, and it will make him calm down gradually. , mind empty.

However, looking at the film today, a scene suddenly flashed in his mind, he tried hard to think deeply, and tried to grasp the scene just now, but he got a headache in exchange.

Lu Zhanxiao closed his eyes. This wasn't the first time he had flashbacks of previous memories, but every time it gave him a feeling that he was right in front of him, but he couldn't imagine it no matter how hard he thought about it.

Makes him extremely bored.

He wasn't that anxious before, but after finding his son, he wanted to know who his mother was.

Qiuyue said that he should really try the electrotherapy method, but he can't bear the risk of a little problem with his memory now, so he can only delay it again and again, hoping that after this matter is resolved, he will have a chance.

(End of this chapter)

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