Chapter 1076 The abstinence prince is too good at teasing 43
Recently, there have been a large number of corrupt officials in the Jiangnan area of ​​the imperial court. Not only did they withhold the food taxes paid by the common people, but they also filled their pockets with the money allocated by the court to build reservoirs and stone bridges.

This incident was a hot topic in the capital, and Shen Qiaoan heard about it in the backyard.

The emperor immediately planned to send an imperial envoy to investigate and rectify secretly, but Shen Qiaoan did not expect that Nangong Huining would be sent.

This is something that didn't happen in the previous life.

Shen Qiaoan speculated that it might be because of the butterfly effect in his own world. In his last life, it was the third prince who went to Jiangnan, and it took almost half a year to bring out the corrupt officials in Jiangnan.

However, Shen Qiaoan guessed that there should be more than that many corrupt officials. Since Nangong Huining was appointed as the imperial envoy in this world, Shen Qiaoan decided to go with him, and uprooted all corrupt officials who wanted to be caught.

When Shen Qiaoan proposed to go to the south of the Yangtze River with Nangong Huining, Nangong Huining was extremely happy. He might go there for three months or more than half a year. She was naturally reluctant to see Shen Qiaoan for such a long time.

It is naturally the best way for Shen Qiaoan to go with her.

This time to Jiangnan, Nangong Huining only brought Li Quan and three better guards.

Shen Qiao'an handed over the affairs of the mansion to Gu Ping, and Gu Ping was basically familiar with the daily affairs of the palace in the past few days, so Shen Qiao'an was very relieved to leave the matter to him.

Shi Fei is Shen Qiaoan's personal servant girl, so she naturally has to take her with her. Yan Qian understands the knowledge of medicine, so if she goes with her, she will be able to take care of everyone along the way.

So Shen Qiaoan ordered two maids to take care of Yan Ming, and took Shi Fei and Yan Qian on the road together.

Because they were traveling lightly, Shen Qiaoan and Nangong Huining sat in a big carriage, followed by a small carriage, which contained everyone's happy clothes, dry food, etc. Shi Fei and Yan Qian sat in this small carriage.

And Li Quan and the others rode horses outside, observing the surrounding situation all the way, protecting the safety of everyone.

Jiangnan is not far from the capital, but it takes ten days to travel at the speed of a carriage.

Nangong Huining was naturally restless in the carriage, hugged Shen Qiaoan and kissed her cheek and said, "Qiao An, you have been married to me for half a year, why don't you give me a son?"

Shen Qiaoan glanced at him, blushed slightly, but said, "Who wants to give birth to a son for you."

"Give birth now." Nangong Huining has now cultivated into an 'indestructible body of diamond', no matter what Shen Qiaoan says hurts people, or if he refuses people, he will not be affected.

Anyway, they were already husband and wife, and it was only in the future. One day, Shen Qiaoan would fall in love with him.

Thinking of this, Nangong Huining became more confident, and pressed Shen Qiaoan on the cushion of the carriage.

"My lord, what are you doing!" Shen Qiaoan's face sank, a little anxious, "This is in a carriage!"

"Hush." ​​Nangong Huining approached Shen Qiaoan and blew in her ear, "This king knows that this is in a carriage, so it's exciting."


"Shh, Qiao An, don't yell so loudly, not only the coachman will know, but Li Quan and the others will hear it later." Nangong Huining coaxed and lied, threatening to eat a full meal these days.

Although the carriage was bumpy, it made him feel that the door to a new century had opened.

Ten days later, they finally entered the area of ​​Jiangnan.

(End of this chapter)

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