Chapter 1994 Female Disguises as a Man and Pretty General 24
The spies reported that Situ Xiaoyun walked through the official road and was about to arrive in Lin County. Situ Yurong was so angry that his teeth itched. Almost when Shen Qiaoan recovered from his injuries, he gave Shen Qiaoan the task, and asked Shen Qiaoan to do it no matter what. Try to prevent Situ Xiaoyun from returning to the capital.

Situ Xiaoyun succeeded in disaster relief, and the news has been sent back to the capital. What's the point of preventing him from returning to the city?Shen Qiaoan didn't understand why he did this, but since she was given the task, Shen Qiaoan naturally had to complete it.

After all, on the surface, she is a stupid general who can do anything for Situ Yurong without complaint or regret.

Shen Qiaoan brought a group of dead soldiers, dressed in night uniforms, and then lurked on the only way back to the capital. After the First Prince's men slowly approached, Shen Qiaoan waved and directed the dead soldiers to attack.

"There are assassins! Protect the eldest prince!" As the guards became vigilant, the two groups also fought fiercely. Shen Qiaoan killed several guards. He stopped listening to her and retreated, and took out a black briquette-like thing from his arms, and threw it towards the guards.

"Bang!" The black briquettes were like gunpowder, and they exploded as soon as they were thrown out, causing a large bombing range, and many guards were directly blown to pieces.

"The situation is not good, hurry up and evacuate the First Prince!"

Shen Qiaoan frowned when she saw the chaos at the scene. It seemed that Situ Yurong wanted to kill Situ Xiaoyun from the beginning, but kept it from her.

Situ Xiaoyun can't die now, if he dies, all the tricks behind him will be gone.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiaoan saw several dead soldiers chasing after Situ Xiaoyun's retreating team, and she also followed without hesitation with her sword in hand.

The guards protecting Situ Xiaoyun escorted him all the way to the top of the mountain, trying to find a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, but unfortunately they were directly forced to the edge of the cliff by the dead soldiers, and they couldn't find a good place.

Before the dead man could react, several guards tried their best to break out of the encirclement, but in the end, all the guards fell under the sword of the dead man.

Seeing the dead man slowly approaching with a knife soaked in blood, Situ Xiaoyun's heart sank. Even if he died, he would not die in the hands of these people. There was the sound of the sword cutting into the flesh.

Situ Xiaoyun looked at the fallen dead soldiers in surprise, and saw a short man in black quickly killed two of them with a knife in his hand.

The dead man closest to Situ Xiaoyun was taller, seeing this, he immediately asked the remaining two dead men to intercept him, and he stepped forward to finish Situ Xiaoyun himself.

The sharp long sword stabbed towards Situ Xiaoyun unceremoniously. Although someone rescued him, he still couldn't avoid the result of death. He closed his eyes, turned around and jumped off the cliff.

"Don't!" Shen Qiaoan saw Situ Xiaoyun jumping off the cliff after killing the two soldiers who came to intercept her. She felt a pain in her heart and jumped down without thinking.

After jumping off the cliff, Shen Qiaoan turned around and threw the sword at the last dead man. After hitting the head, Shen Qiaoan fell into the cliff with peace of mind. There was a deep pool under the cliff. The two of them might not die if they fell.

But if the dead man goes back alive and tells the fourth prince that she saved Situ Xiaoyun, then Situ Yurong will no longer trust him, and he will no longer feel guilty towards her. At that time, the mission will fail, so This dead man must die!

(End of this chapter)

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