Chapter 2505 To avoid suspicion (2)

It has to be said that in the past two years, the development momentum of the Nie family has been very strong, and it seems that it has become the richest family with the most potential for development.

Shi Shi knew that as long as she married into the Nie family, she would be part of the Nie family, and no one would dare to bully her again.

If the prenuptial agreement has very harsh content, she will grind Nie Zhen a little bit more, and Nie Zhen will definitely not let her be wronged.

With the decision, her heart immediately settled down a lot.

In the future, she will still work for Nie Zhiyuan, as long as she grasps Nie Zhiyuan's preferences, maybe she can get Nie Zhiyuan to support her too.

The prenuptial agreement came to hand very quickly. She looked it over carefully and found that there were indeed some excessive points, such as not getting a penny in the divorce.As for the others, the interests of Nie Zhen and the Nie family are the most important.

After reading it, she hesitated again and again, and still signed the prenuptial agreement.

The next day, news about Shi Shi's upcoming wedding with Nie Zhen spread throughout the country.

In terms of media, there are also a large number of sailors who are whitewashing Shi Shi. This is to create momentum for Shi Shi to marry into the Nie family.

For a while, Shi Shi became a man of the hour again.

After seeing the news, Shi Zuizui pondered for a long time.

Seeing her solemn expression, Lu Sui asked curiously, "Is there any problem with Shi Shi marrying Nie Zhen?"

Shi Zuizui came back to his senses, "I just suddenly discovered that the Nie family is very good at handling things. There is another point that you may not have noticed."

Sui Sui smiled at Yan Yan: "What are you talking about?"

He likes to see Shi Zuizui calmly analyzing current affairs.

"The development momentum of the Nie family is very fast in recent years! The Nie family is very low-key, and Nie Zhiyuan is also very low-key, but now Hande Group has become one of the top ten enterprises in the country. I remember the last time I saw the wealth list, Hande Group It's still out of fifty, so fast, I didn't find this detail before."

Shi Zuizui sighed: "Sure enough, a real person can't be judged by his appearance. I think the first impression Nie Zhiyuan gave me was just an ignorant playboy."

In such a short period of two or three years, Nie Zhiyuan has become the leader of a leading family business.

"That's because you're not in the mall, so naturally you didn't pay attention to these things." Lu Sui slightly curled his lips.

Seeing his calm look, Shi Zuizui instantly understood the deep meaning of his words: "You already found out?"

Lu Sui tapped the tip of her nose: "You underestimate me, your man."

Although he is usually very low-key, but these business affairs are all under his control.

"That's right, you're the best, okay?" As soon as Shi Zuizui said this, Lu Sui gave him a thump.

She looked at him reproachfully: "Why are you beating someone?!"

Lu Sui was about to pat her head when suddenly someone coughed hard. Could it be Ms. Yao Lijun?

Lu Sui immediately corrected his sitting posture, and let go of Shi Zuizui who was still in his arms just now.

Seeing his stupid look, Shi Zuizui couldn't help laughing out loud.

Not to mention, Lu Sui is not afraid of anything but Ms. Yao's power.

"Drunk, come here." Yao Lijun ordered coldly.

Shi Zuizui didn't dare to object, and obediently followed Yao Lijun to the kitchen.There is no one here, so it is convenient for Ms. Yao to give a lecture.

"You're still a girl who hasn't left the court, so be careful and don't let anyone take advantage of you!" Yao Lijun reprimanded her as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Mom, he and I already have two children, how can there be so many taboos?" Shi Zuizui didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

And she and Lu Sui are a couple, it's normal for couples to be more intimate, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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