Chapter 265 You will go crazy after knowing...

Jiang Xin didn't expect that Shi Zuizui would suddenly ask about what happened five years ago, so she carefully probed: "Who did you listen to?"

"Mom, what do you mean, there is such a thing? Why hasn't Mom mentioned it to me?" Shi Zuizui was puzzled.

It's not just that Jiang Xin didn't mention this matter, so many people in the Shi family didn't mention it.Why did Yi Shi's family never hit her with this incident?
Lu Sui said last night that when she disappeared five years ago, there were rumors that she had eloped with a man, but Shi Daming and Zhang Hui didn't make a big fuss about it.Is it because they don't know about the rumor, or is there something else hidden?
By the way, there is also Dong Qi, why has she never mentioned this matter?

"At that time, you lost a lot of weight and looked a little strange. I didn't dare to ask. Xiaoqin also told me specifically not to ask me anything, let alone the matter of your disappearance, and said that you would go crazy if you found out. Later, I saw that there was nothing wrong with you, so I put this matter aside." Jiang Xin murmured.

Five years have passed, Zui Zui suddenly asked about this matter, it is really strange.

"Lou Qin also knows?" Shi Zuizui was stunned.

In other words, Lou Qin is most likely an insider?
That's right, Lou Qin went abroad in a hurry, could it have something to do with her disappearance?
"Zuizui, the past is over, there is no need to bring it up again. Listen to what Mom said, it's a good thing to be a little confused in life." Jiang Xin said earnestly.

She was somewhat afraid of knowing the truth about Zui Zui's disappearance. In the final analysis, she was afraid of what terrible things Zui Zui had encountered during his disappearance.

"I'm fine. Mom, why don't you come and stay at Lu Sui's house for a few days." Shi Zuizui suddenly thought about it.

Lu Sui forbade her to leave the villa, but if her mother came, Lu Sui would have to pretend to be a loving couple with her anyway, right?

She wants to go to the hospital for a check-up to see if she has suffered any severe brain damage, but she is currently unable to leave the house.

"You child, marry a chicken and follow a chicken. Since you are married to Lu Sui, don't always treat Lu Sui as an outsider. I am busy these days, and I will bring you some side dishes when I have time. Drunk, you have to be careful Housekeeping, be gentle..."

"Mom, I have a call coming in, so let's not talk about it." Shi Zuizui was most afraid of Jiang Xin's nagging, so he hurriedly cut off the phone.

"This kid, hang up the phone as soon as he says something serious." Jiang Xin shook his head.

The incident of drunken disappearance five years ago is still a mystery to this day.At that time, Zuizui was very thin, but he was still in good spirits, laughing and laughing all day long.

Returning to Bincheng after Zui Zui disappeared for a while, he alienated Lu Sui.

She once suspected that Lu Sui had done something to make Zui Zui sad, and Zui Zui ran away from home.Just now Zuizui meant that she herself did not know that she had left Bincheng for a while.

If so, things might not have been so simple five years ago...

On the other side, the hospital.

Lu Wan just went out to buy lunch, but when she returned to the ward, she found that the ward was in a mess, and Lin Zhao was seriously injured again and was beaten to death.

She was anxious and panicked, and hurried to find a doctor.

After the doctor's diagnosis, he shook his head and said, "If this continues, the patient will never recover. Miss Lu, who are you offending?"

Lu Wan didn't dare to tell the truth.She could guess that Lu Sui must have sent someone to the hospital to beat Lin Zhao up.

Lu Sui was not like this before. Her brother was always gentle and kind, but it was because of Shi Drunk that Lu Sui became vicious and vicious.

(End of this chapter)

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