Chapter 321 Love For Him

Lu Sui on the other end of the phone didn't make any sound. Shi Shi took a deep breath and said softly, "I haven't been back to China for so many years. I just want to see you. I have no other intentions. My sister won't know that we meet, and I will I didn't want to snatch you from my sister, I just wanted to see you, even if I didn't speak, my request is not too much, right?"

She didn't feel it when she was abroad before, but when she returned to Bincheng and thought of being in the same city as him, she couldn't stop her love for him.

After so many years, she can't forget him at all.Rather than saying that she immediately set off to return to China when she heard something happened at home, it would be better to say that she returned to China because of Lu Sui.

She just loved him like crazy.There are so many men chasing her, and Lin Zhao is also infatuated with her, but she just can't fall in love with men other than Lu Sui.

Lu Sui held her whole heart firmly in his palm.

Lu Sui finally hung up the phone without saying anything.

Shi Shi called again, and after several phone calls, Lu Sui answered again, saying word by word: "I am a married man, or a drunk husband, so I can't give you any response. As Zuizui said, your age It's not too late, it's time to find a boyfriend to marry, but that person can't be me. Don't call again, and I won't see you..."

"I can't do it! It's been five years, if I could forget you, I wouldn't be so painful today. Lu Sui, I really have no other thoughts, I just want to meet you—"

"If you don't have extra thoughts, you shouldn't make this call. I know that I was sorry for you in the past. This is an established fact and there is no way to change it, but I can no longer be sorry for Zui Zui." Lu Sui interrupted Shi in a deep voice. Shi's words.

Let Shi Zuizui know that he has a relationship with Shi Shi behind the scenes, and with Shi Zuizui's temperament, it is absolutely impossible to forgive him.

What's more, this woman is still Shi Shi?

Tears blurred Shi Shi's eyes: "Can't you pity me? Because of your words, I left my hometown and went abroad for five years. I finally came back. I just imagined that I could be with you like before. To be friends, can't you even agree to my small request?"

Lu Sui frowned deeply: "I can't give you anything, I don't see you, it's for your own good. As I said, I was sorry for you in the past, and I can only give you material compensation. I won't give you anything else. Can't give."

"You like my sister so much? For her, you are so cruel to me?! I just love you too much. Lu Sui, please, let me see you, maybe tonight, then I will I can completely let go of you and start my own life again. You said that you would give me material compensation, okay, I will meet with you and discuss in detail. I, I will wait for you at the Splendid Hotel right now. Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone find out I'm meeting you."

Before Lu Sui could speak, Shi Shi hung up the phone.

Lu Sui sat on the sofa, stunned for a long time.When he looked up to see the time, he found that it was eleven o'clock.It's so late, if he goes to see Shi Shi...

On the other side, Shi Shi showed up at the Splendid Hotel wearing a hat and glasses, booked a room, and then texted Lu Sui, telling him his room number.

She was both nervous and excited. This feeling was like having an affair with Lu Sui, the man she had loved for many years.

But this man is her brother-in-law.

She should have returned to China earlier, if she hadn't listened to Lu Sui so much, maybe she would have married Lu Sui.

(End of this chapter)

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