Chapter 1232 Xiaoai, Dabao, Xiaobei
But Ah Xiang is not a fool, this Zhao Datu suddenly said these words, could it be for another purpose?
Ah Xiang remained silent, waiting to see what Zhao Datu had to say.

Zhao Datu continued to dig the potatoes, and he helped to dig this piece of potatoes. After digging, Zhao Datu helped Axiang carry the potatoes to the door of the house, and then returned the basket to Axiang: "I won't go in, lest your mother misunderstand What about you, by the way, Ah Xiang, I usually see you not very happy, you should smile more, you look good when you smile. Okay, I'm going back, you go in first. "

Ah Xiang didn't speak all the time, but she, who was ignorant of human affairs, felt a little puzzled in her heart. Could it be that Zhao Datu was sincere?


The next day, Ah Xiang took the dirty clothes to the river to wash.

Although there is a well in the house, if you use well water to wash, you have to pump the water up every time you pass the water. It is more convenient to go to the river to wash.

After she finished washing the clothes, she carried them back, but when she walked to the back of the house, she saw Zhao Datu again. Zhao Datu first smiled at Ah Xiang, and then asked her: "Where are you doing the laundry?"

"En," Ah Xiang lowered her head.

Zhao Datu walked up to her, already very close, Ah Xiang hurriedly took a step back, but Zhao Datu approached again, Ah Xiang was forced to a corner, and had to use a basin between the two of them.But Zhao Datu took the basin away, and turned his face to A Xiang's: "A Xiang, I have something for you."

"What, what?" Ah Xiang asked.

Zhao Datu took out a box from his arms: "This is the face powder I bought at the market early this morning. I heard that girls in the town like to use this face powder and spray it on their bodies. It's fragrant, like blooming flowers. Woolen cloth."

Ah Xiang refused, so Zhao Datu put the powder into her basin, "A Xiang, you don't have to be afraid of me, I am sincere to you, by the way, what are you going to do tomorrow?"

Ah Xiang said softly, "Go up the mountain to cut firewood."

"That's just right. I also plan to go up the mountain to cut some firewood and come back. How about we go together tomorrow? It's good to have a companion, and I can also carry some firewood for you. You are a girl, and the firewood is too heavy to carry." , "After saying that, Zhao Datu turned around and left, while Ah Xiang still stood alone, looking at the box of incense powder.

She took the powder back anyway and put it in the drawer.


"Xiao Bei, wait a moment," Xia Dabao saw Tian Xiaobei from a long distance at the foot of the back mountain.

Tian Xiaobei knew it was Xia Dabao as soon as he heard the voice, he couldn't help laughing, and then turned to look at her.

In order to catch up with Tian Xiaobei as soon as possible, Xia Dabao ran so fast that the soles of her feet seemed to have been oiled, and she ran in front of Tian Xiaobei in a short while, probably because she used some strength, her face was flushed now, and she was pale The rosy skin looks very dewy and beautiful.

"Xiao Bei, are you going up the mountain to pick herbs?" Xia Dabao asked.

"Yes, what about you? Chopping firewood or hunting?" Tian Xiaobei knew that Xia Dabao could hunt, and his skills were very good, but now she was holding both a bow and arrow and a hatchet.

"I'm planning to go up the mountain to cut firewood, but, I also thought that if I can meet a rabbit, I'll hunt a rabbit and come back to taste it." Xia Dabao is always so single-minded, he doesn't forget to eat the firewood.

Knowing her temperament, Tian Xiaobei said tolerantly: "Then let's go, you chop firewood, and I will pick herbs."

"But I don't know how long it will take you to pick herbs? If I cut firewood and hunt, I can go down the mountain by noon."

"Me too, shall we gather in the shed on the mountain at noon?"



(End of this chapter)

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