Chapter 855 My Woman Doesn't Like Drinking
The corner of Nan Feng's mouth twitched: "In any case, those innocent people will die, but since it's your celebration banquet, then you should go quickly. I won't go. I'm tired and want to rest earlier."

Nanfeng was about to turn around, but Boss Fu had already stepped in front of her: "Nanfeng, you can't leave me half a step now, because the wife of the original owner of my body has already set her sights on you, she Her family is not a good person in this Dashun Dynasty, if you take a step away from me, her people will come to deal with you, so Nanfeng, if you want to know whether you can return to modern times immediately after death, then just try."

"..." Nanfeng stared at Boss Fu for a long time, and Boss Fu smiled at her mischievously: "What I said is true."


The welcome dinner that Da Shunchao prepared for Tuoba Lie was open-air.

People here seem not to be afraid of the cold. During the day, Nanfeng saw many people on the grassland shepherding sheep, and children ran all over the ground, and the snow here only melted two days ago.

Now that such a grand event as a dinner party is held, it turns out that it is just a big circle with a bonfire in the middle.

But after sitting by the bonfire for a while, Nanfeng no longer felt the cold. With such a big bonfire, it would feel hot for miles around.

Besides, there are some stoves next to everyone's seats. Nanfeng felt strange. There is not much wood on the grassland, so how could a fire be lit? But after a closer look, it turned out that the contents of the stove were not charcoal, but cow dung. .

She wanted to put her hands on the stove to warm up, but when she saw the dried cow dung, she immediately shrank back, looking very disgusted.

Seeing this, Boss Fu couldn't help but smiled: "Don't dislike this cow dung. Many people on the grassland use this cow dung to cook. By the way, there is also roast lamb."

There was also a small plate of roast mutton in front of the table where Nanfeng was sitting. After hearing Boss Fu's words, she immediately gave up the idea of ​​eating mutton.

"Why is it all meat?" Nanfeng had always eaten beef jerky and the like in the barracks. Now that he came here, he finally stopped eating beef jerky and changed to mutton.

Boss Fu smiled again: "If you don't want to eat meat, you can drink some cow's milk and goat's milk. Here, there are also some sweet jams. There are very few fresh vegetables and fruits. If you want to eat green things, you can only eat grass."

Nan Feng glared at Boss Fu, but Boss Fu smiled even more happily.

Not far away, Boss Fu's wife was staring fiercely at Nanfeng. After watching for a while, she moved to another young couple and said something. I hate the appearance of Nanfeng.


"Soldiers and heroes of the Dashun Dynasty, today our second prince Tuoba Lie finally returned from the battlefield. In the past two years, Lie'er has made great contributions to our Dashun Dynasty. Our Dashun Dynasty was in a passive state in this battle, but Lie Er suddenly turned around as a prodigal son and devoted himself wholeheartedly to this battle. He made great contributions to our Da Shun Dynasty, and now this king will start to toast Lie Er! "

Boss Fu picked up the cup, raised his glass to his father first, then raised his glass to everyone present, and finally the cup landed next to Nan Feng, signaling that she would toast with Nan Feng.

Nanfeng actually didn't show any face to Boss Fu, he just pretended not to see it, but Boss Fu actually laughed: "It's okay, my woman doesn't like to drink!"

(End of this chapter)

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