Chapter 880

But Nan Feng also became ruthless: "I said a long time ago, you don't have to spoil me and coax me, let me go out to fend for myself, it's good for you and me!"

The two looked at each other and confronted each other.

Even though his scarred face was terrifying, Nan Feng's small face was not weak, and his eyes stared at him stubbornly, unwilling to admit defeat.

In the end, Tuoba Lie was the first to take it softly: "Okay, you drink it yourself, but the premise is that I have to watch you drink it, and you have to drink both bowls."

The south wind served a bowl.

Now she didn't want to challenge his bottom line anymore, so she just drank the two bowls of medicine.


The princess on Dashun's side who went to have a kiss is called Tuobayun, who is Tuobalie's younger sister.

The brothers of Emperor Dashun were ranked together with his cousins. Emperor Dashun and the empress had only two siblings, and the first prince was Tuoba Lie's cousin, so he was ranked second.

Dashun and Dajin have already negotiated a marriage, and Tuobayun will get married in a few days, so during this time the grassland has been busy with marriage affairs. This princess's marriage must not be sloppy at all, and the team sending off the relatives should not be too sloppy. Huge, too big to show off, but also not too shabby, too shabby to show the sincerity of Dashun, so the royal family has been busy with this matter recently.

According to regulations, there needs to be a relative of the princess in the team to send off relatives. Naturally, Emperor Dashun and the Empress cannot go, so this matter can only fall on Tuoba Lie. Counting the days, he needs at least one relative every time he goes. many months.

Because the queen is going to marry her daughter, she is naturally in a complicated mood during this time. She brought up Tuobayun alone. Now that she is going to get married, how can she be willing to marry so far away?Not to mention the queen, even the emperor is reluctant. Girls on the grassland are always bold and unruly. If they don't know how to behave in the palace, they will suffer a lot in the future.

In such a situation, the two countries can only maintain friendship as much as possible. Once there is a dispute between the two countries, it will be the daughter who suffers. This is why the marriage can achieve certain results.

That day the emperor was trying on makeup with Princess Tuobayun. The queen first combed Tuobayun's hair and then put on makeup, but the way girls on the grassland put on makeup is different from that of girls in Dajin. There is a gap in aesthetics between the two. The queen thought of Nanfeng for some reason.

Because Nanfeng's makeup method is the most unique on this grassland. She will trim her eyebrows first, and then paint a layer. She already looks good, but she will cleverly use the color of rouge to make her nose look taller, as well as the lip shape, which seems to be drawn inconsistently.

The queen didn't care about these details in the past, but she worried that if her daughter's make-up was too rough, it would be bad if the emperor failed to attract the attention of the Jin emperor.So she hurriedly ordered someone to call Nanfeng over.

"Empress, are you looking for Nanfeng?" Tuoba Lie also came in, and almost heard the empress' order.

"Ah, yes, I want Nan Feng to come over and put some makeup on Yun'er, to see if our girl's makeup looks better, or Nan Feng's way of doing it," the queen laughed.

"Mother, do you need to talk about it? Naturally, Nanfeng's painting method is beautiful." His painting method has been improved for thousands of years, and it was cultivated by the aesthetics of the 21st century.

Tuoba Yun, who was sitting in front of the bronze mirror, also smiled: "My brother must have said that, who doesn't know that you are fascinated by Miss Nanfeng now."

(End of this chapter)

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