Chapter 906 Seduction
Nanfeng looked at Tuoba Lie again: "Forget it, don't discuss this anymore, there is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Tuoba Lie asked.

Nanfeng pointed to the batch of masks he made: "I heard that there is a mobile market at the place where the two countries meet? I want to sell these things over there."

"Take it over there to sell?" Tuoba Lie shook his head: "I disagree, you can sell it here, why do you have to travel so far away?"

Nanfeng was a little displeased: "The business is expanding."

Tuoba Lie was still shaking his head: "The expansion is so big, my majestic Second Prince Dashun, can't I afford to support you in the future?"

"Do you understand what feminism is?" Nanfeng argued: "Why do so many women in modern society still have to work after getting married and having children, instead of realizing their self-worth? Isn't it the same as being locked in a pet prison in one place?"

Tuoba Lie paused, and suddenly he laughed again: "Nanfeng, what do you mean by that? Although you have said so much, I only heard one sentence, you said you will marry me in the future?"

Nanfeng actually said that on purpose.

She smiled suddenly, then sat a little closer to Tuoba Lie, put her hand on his shoulder, rolled her eyes, and spoke very softly: "I actually... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

To refuse also welcome.

But just such a little initiative from her was enough for Tuoba Lie to be elated. Suddenly, Tuoba Lie hugged her tightly, and his tone became rough: "What do you want to say? Nanfeng, speak clearly at once."

Nanfeng pushed him subconsciously, but pretended that he couldn't push him away, so he simply stopped pushing: "I just want to say, if you don't push me so hard, don't restrict my freedom all day long, maybe I can still... well, understand you better. But you push me too hard, I have no freedom at all, is there anyone who chases a girl like you?"

Tuoba Lie hugged Nanfeng a little tighter, and then lifted her chin: "Nanfeng, you look too much like the one who seduced me in the last life, tell me, are you sincere, or are you just trying to delay the attack?"

This time Nanfeng pushed Tuoba Lie away, and she returned to her cold expression: "So, there is no trust between us at all, you never trust me."

Tuoba Lie was unprepared, he was pushed suddenly, he was immediately pushed aside, and when he got up, he also clapped his hands: "Nanfeng, you are really ruthless, but you finally got a little bit of love for me. Intimate behavior, why do you think I am so happy?"

Nanfeng glared at Tuoba Lie, and pretended to be angry and said: "You can think whatever you want, if you have nothing else to do, then go out, I'm tired, I need to rest."

Tuoba Lie had already stood up, but he stopped after taking two steps, and looked back at Nanfeng again: "Don't you just want to sell your facial masks? Go, I won't stop you, go on horseback, You can go by carriage, but, Nanfeng, you just said, if I don't restrict your freedom so much, you will love me, right?"

After Nanfeng heard what Tuoba Lie said, her body froze suddenly, but when she looked up at Tuoba Lie, she smiled faintly.


After using a beauty trick on Tuoba Lie, Nanfeng found that there were indeed fewer people staring at her, so she started to carry masks to the market.

(End of this chapter)

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