Chapter 908 Your Husband Asked Me to Rescue You
Brother Ye nodded: "That's what I'm worried about too. What we can do now is try not to hurt others, but we must take my wife back. Time is running out, and I'm worried that my wife will be disappointed."

When Lu Jianxi heard Brother Ye say "my wife", the pain in his heart came again.

Later, she didn't know what Brother Ye and the others discussed. She was always fighting in her heart, and there seemed to be two voices in her heart: Jianxi, get out of here, go far away, don't look at other people's couples loving each other.Another voice, she was telling herself: You like Brother Ye, you can do something for him, liking does not mean owning.

Does liking mean owning?
For some reason, she suddenly made a decision at that moment, and continued to turn around and look at Brother Ye: "I have a way!"


It was already the eighth day, and Nanfeng still didn't wait to come to Nangongye.

She was faintly disappointed.

But she is also very aware of Nangongye's difficulties, and she has observed carefully in the past few days. There are many Tuoba Lie people in this market, and he seems to be at ease with her on the surface, but in fact he still has doubts about her in his heart.

The milk cake seller in front was dressed in ragged clothes on the surface, but when he sat down, he revealed the pair of socks with totems inside, which were uniformly issued socks in the Dashun military camp.There was also the sheepskin seller, who kept those two sheepskins every day, and the asking price was so high that he hadn't sold them for a few days, and when he spoke, he would pop out some words commonly used by the Dashun army from time to time, especially when he was swearing.

Now that someone is watching, Nanfeng dare not show that she is looking forward to it. She pretends to concentrate on selling things every day. When some women come over, she will introduce them seriously. She can speak both languages. However, it is often not sold because the price is too high.

That day, Nanfeng was selling facial masks, but a girl came over with a cart and asked her, "Girl, do you want to buy a cloak? Our Dajin master embroidered it. It's very beautiful. Look, the collar is made of hair."

It's a little red cape.

When Nanfeng saw the little cloak, he felt dizzy again, and some pictures continued to flash in his mind: she was wearing a little red cloak, walking in the forest with a tall figure, and the figure finally became clear, it was Namiyano!

Nanfeng picked up the small cloak and touched it in his hand for a long time. The cloak was not new, it must have been worn.

She suddenly had a thought: This cloak must have belonged to the previous owner.

However, she looked at the girl in front of her again, with a dark face and ordinary clothes, she looked like an ordinary sales girl.

Looking at the surprise in Nanfeng's eyes, Lu Jianxi said again: "If you don't like this cloak, girl, I still have some close-fitting clothes here, you can try them on."

After finishing speaking, she added in a low voice: "Miss Nanfeng, Brother Ye asked me to save you."

Nan Feng was shocked, but she quickly regained her composure: "Clothes that fit close to your body? Let me see."

Lu Jianxi put out some bellybands and undershirts: "These are what girls in Dajin like to wear. They are very convenient for bathing and sleeping. If you like them, you might as well try them. I brought a tent for fitting clothes."

Although this is a mobile market, it is not difficult to try on clothes. Many clothes sellers provide try-on, which is just a small tent inside. People can go inside and change. There are several in this market. This is how businessmen sell clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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