Gao Leng husband is very affectionate

Chapter 422 The World-Sensational Wedding

Chapter 422 The World-Sensational Wedding (49)


Just as Situ Lingying wanted to say why he was here, Lan Keqin saw Ming Ye behind him, and immediately walked over to ask him; "Ming Ye! Tell me, you must be joking when you say you want to marry me, right?" wrong?"

The moment she saw Situ Lingying, she became even more suspicious.

Who is Situ Lingying?He is the best buddy in King's Landing, but he is now with Ming Ye, so there must be some ulterior secret between them.

Ming Ye glanced at Situ Lingying, wanting to ask him if he wanted to tell the truth, but seeing him nodding, he pursed his lips and said, "I say yes, but after I finish speaking, you have to try your best to cooperate with us, otherwise I won't explain."

"Tell me quickly, I will cooperate with you."

Lan Keqin urged, as for what to cooperate with, it depends on her, and now the main thing is to know Ming Ye's purpose.

"It's like this..."

Ming Ye told Lan Keqin about their plan in detail.

"So...the purpose of you arresting me is to...give us a bridal chamber in advance?"

After Lan Keqin heard this, she was stunned. She thought it was something, but it turned out that there was such a... oolong behind her back?
" did you come up with such a bridal chamber?"

Lan Keqin really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she could only say that this matter was too weird.

It would be fine if Ming Ye and Yixuan Bailan were having fun, but Chu Jinfeng and Situ Lingying also joined in, so it's not like they used to be aloof.

How could the two of them get involved in such a funny thing?

"Keqin, don't you want to see how Master Di came to snatch the marriage?"

There was a bright smile on the corner of Situ Lingying's mouth. He also wanted to see what Dijun looked like when he came to snatch the marriage.

"I want to, but I can't be arrogant, I... don't want to cooperate with you, because I don't want him to worry."

Lan Keqin said in a low voice, there are many ways to make trouble in the bridal chamber, but such a method is difficult for her to accept.

Di Junlin is carefully arranging their wedding scene, but she wants to cooperate with his brothers to tease him, she can't do it.

"I knew you would say that. It's a pity. I have asked Erqi to tell my elder brother that tomorrow is our wedding. I guess my elder brother is looking for us all over City A."

Ming Ye was a little guilty, he regretted it now, he was really afraid that the elder brother would beat him up when he came.

"What...? Mingye,! I won't tell you, send me back now, or I don't guarantee that King's Landing will blow up your place."

Lan Keqin raised his forehead and waved his hands. No need to think about it, the current Emperor Junlin is also on the verge of fury.

"Isn't it? Anyway, I'm also the younger brother of the elder brother. How could I be bombarded here? Don't worry, Keqin, you stay here quietly until tomorrow. If the elder brother doesn't come by tomorrow afternoon, I don't need you." Say, I'll send you back too."

Ming Ye said with a smile, he was firm that Emperor Junlin would not find it here, because Keqin's mobile phone was placed in a room with a magnetic field, which interfered with all signals, and the elder brother would never find it.

"I told you the warning in advance. If King's Landing arrives at that time, don't ask me to intercede for you."

Lan Keqin was helpless, they were going to continue playing, and it was useless to say anything.

"Ling Ying! You agree with this game too?"

She still didn't want to believe that people like Situ Lingying would join in.

"Actually... it's good to play occasionally, isn't it?"

Situ Lingying said with a gentle smile, anyway, Di Junlin wouldn't do anything to him, and he didn't come up with this idea, he just nodded and thought it was fun, so he joined in.

"Okay! I can stay here quietly, but Ming Ye, you can't restrict my freedom. When King's Landing comes, I will leave with him. Now I'm going to see Anya, you take me there."

Lan Keqin had no choice but to wait for the emperor to come, so what if he didn't wait?

She can't run out, the key is that Ming Ye is not paying attention alone now, and there are five of them, and they don't have a phone, how can she get out?
"That's fine. Anya is visiting the garden with Second Brother and the others. I'll take you there now."

Ming Ye said with a light smile, her heart was sour, she actually wanted to see Anya, what's so good about that woman?


"Anya! How are you getting along with Mingye during this time? Has he ever bullied you?"

Chu Jinfeng and the others walked for a while, and finally sat in a gazebo in the back garden and stopped. Anya kept silent, so he had no choice but to open his mouth to find something to talk about.

"Very well, he didn't bully me."

Anya replied lightly, but she was thinking in her heart: What's wrong?As long as he is at home, he bullies himself every day.

But she can't talk nonsense about these things. If Chu Jinfeng scolds Ming Ye because of this, he probably thinks that he deliberately sued her second brother, and she can't ask for trouble.

"That's fine."

Chu Jinfeng hugged An Le and teased her with a smile. It was not difficult to see that this would be the next baby daddy.

"By the way, Anya, what did you do before? Are you really just an orphan? Don't you have any impression of your parents?"

Yi Xuan casually leaned against the pillar of the gazebo, asking Anya.

"no impression."

Anya shook her head. She didn't answer about the orphanage, and she didn't want to talk about her previous experience. She didn't want to use her past misery to win sympathy.


Anya's indifference, even if Yi Xuan wanted to ask more questions, he didn't know how to ask them.

"Keqin and the others are here. It seems that Ling Ying and Ming Ye told her about our plan."

Bai Lan was teasing Xing Yun in her arms, when she looked up, she saw Lan Keqin and the others approaching from a distance.

"It's a matter of time."

Chu Jinfeng said, he didn't think Situ Lingying would bear to see Lan Keqin sad, and his love for her was no less than that of his elder brother.

He has never been alone with Keqin too much, nor has there been any spectacular sacrifices. If he is cute, he is in love, love without reason.

Just like he fell in love with Xiaoqin invisibly, if you love, you will love, no reason is needed.

"You all here?"

Lan Keqin saw everyone from a distance, walked in and asked directly, Ming Ye just took her to find Anya along the way, and didn't say that Yi Xuan and the others came here too.

"It's already here. It should be said that when you were tricked by Mingye, we arrived here in a while."

Yi Xuan went up and gave Lan Keqin a warm hug, and then hit her: "I said little Keke! You are too easy to be deceived, right? You really believe what Ming Ye says? If this Ming Ye It's fake, it's up to you to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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